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The book we are going to review today is Flawless by ChocolateViolinist

Now first these are the basics.

Now first these are the basics

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Book Name: Flawless

Author's account name: ChocolateViolinist

Main Characters: Victoire Weasley, Bill and Fluer, Lucy Weasley, Lily Luna Potter and a few others.


Victoire Weasley has been described as flawless ever since she came out of her mother's womb. Her complexion was flawless, her blonde hair was flawless, everything about her appearance was flawless.

But when thinking about flaws, one tends not to notice those gnaw away at your insides. Victoire knows that her cousins are jealous of her beauty, and some, like Lucy and Lily, refuse to even come near her. Because Victoire's flaws are deeper than the skin. She has a form of muggle cancer that is tearing her apart and nothing is working to stop it.

Six months. That's how long she has to live. Six months to try and make things right with her cousins. Six months to tell everyone to pray for her. Six months until its all over.

Chapter Count: 5 and Ongoing.


Now let's get on with the review!


1. The Title:

The title is simple but fits the story and is also an important aspect of the whole fanfic. Victoire Weasley is described as flawless but this fanfic also deals with the one flaw that she does have.

2. The Cover:

The cover is simple but very pretty and I liked it a lot.

3. Concept:

The story is based on Victoire and how her cousins are not too fond of her as they are jealous of her flawlessness. However it also deals with the inner emotions and turmoils Vic goes through as she discovers that she has a life-taking disease.

4. Review (includes Summary too):

The story begins from a scene in the garden where Victoire and her cousins are playing. The introductory scene is used to set the notion in the reader's mind that Vic's cousins are jealous of her and will not play with her so she resorts to the company of her siblings.

From then on the story proceeds to when Fleur takes Victoire for a check up at St Mungo's where the healers advise her to see a Muggle doctor because there is an uncontrollable growth of cells in her body which is beyond their magical medicine.

What I think:

The chapters are a little too short and the story is overall fast pacing so I would suggest the author to slow down the pace a bi. With a few additional scenes that focus more on Victoire's feelings and her efforts to bridge the gap between her and her cousins as well as some enjoyable family times, the fanfic will be improved. Other than that I love the concept and it is unique.


If you are looking for a fanfic which is different from what you've usually read about this flawless Weasley, then this is the book for you.


ChocolateViolinist I enjoyed reading Flawless. You definitely have potential to grow as a writer and with time I believe your writing skills will improve a lot. I loved the basic idea of this fanfic and also the theme you have kept up throughout the story. I would love to read more of it as you publish. Best of luck and keep writing!

 Best of luck and keep writing!

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