The Secret To The Chamber's Exit

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So in the Chamber of Secrets, it is quite clear that there was a passage inside the chamber is much like a slide and I have read many headcanons about Slytherins partying down there and holding secret house meetings in next gen as it was cleaned out after the war.

But the one question I had in mind was that the books only stated a slide like entrance into the chamber. There's no other way anyone could get out.

Harry and Co. escaped the chamber because Fawkes the Phoenix flew them up the slope. Otherwise it would have been very difficult to climb out because not only was the path sloped but it was also slippery due to the slime that covered it.

But we know that Tom Riddle did visit the chamber a lot during his school days, so obviously how could he get out?

Until or unless he used the Basilisk?

Like seriously, just imagine Riddle seated at the head of a sixty foot long King of Serpents, saying Giddy Up in Parseltongue.

#ComeToTheDarkSideWeHaveMotorBasilisks (a 100% cooler version than the Muggle Motorbike).

#FreeRidesForTheDarkLord'sFavorites (excluding you Bella, the Basilisk gets scared too).

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