* The Marauder's Daughter

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There are two ways this cliche is used:

a) Sirius's daughter

b) Remus's daughter

I am not doing James because we have already discussed that in detail in the Other Potter chapter. And poor Peter does not exist in the minds of most writers.

About 118 stories emerge when you type Marauder's Daughter in the search bar at Wattpad, 56.7 K stories emerge when you type Sirius Black's Daughter and just 60 stories emerge when you type Remus Lupin's Daughter.

7 K stories emerge when you type Sirius Black's Daughter and just 60 stories emerge when you type Remus Lupin's Daughter

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Now enough of the statistics and let's get down to the chapter.

OC's Personality and traits:  

1. No matter who the OC is related to, she is a huge social butterfly who knows every single person in the school and is friends with them.

2. Either she is in the Golden Trio's year or in Fred and George's year.

[You know what you have so many other choices than that. You can place your character in Ginny's year, in the year before Fred and George's year or in any other year than those which are so commonly used. But take the timelines into consideration before you assign the year to your character. You probably can't have Sirius's daughter in years below Colin Creevey's because I don't think it could be possible].

3. She is usually a great prankster but achieves good grades, is a popular Gryffindor and plays Quidditch.

4. If she is Sirius's daughter she can either be a very popular kid with boys swooning over her or be that depressed emo girl hiding in a corner because she's the daughter of a convicted murderer.

 If she is Sirius's daughter she can either be a very popular kid with boys swooning over her or be that depressed emo girl hiding in a corner because she's the daughter of a convicted murderer

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[Before some of you go full on bulldozer on me, let me clear a tiny little thing. Of course I know if Sirius had a daughter and she attended Hogwarts, she would be given a lot of crap for being an Azkaban prisoner's child. But authors should at least give more to her personality than just the depression that comes along with the constant bullying and shame].

5. If she is Remus's daughter then she is this soft nurturing soul who cares for everybody and has no other work to do than that, but she is still not a Hufflepuff.

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