Another Crossover Idea

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It was my English exam yesterday and as usual, studying for the English exam involves literature and language which gets the screws of my brain working. And probably that's the reason why my poetry book unexpectedly got updated after months.

So last night I came up with another Crossover idea and this once it is about a Harry Potter and Alice In Wonderland crossover.

Even after almost two centuries of its first publication, Alice In Wonderland continues to capture young hearts and minds by its humor and eccentric but nonsensical theme. The Queen of Hearts, the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Cheshire Cat remain part of our childhood memories.

Just like the name Harry Potter is enough to indicate which series we are talking about. Alice too has the same effect. 

So I was thinking that wouldn't it be great if we somehow merged these both equally popular worlds together?

Now, I am not saying that this hasn't been done before, I am just presenting my own idea of how I think we can merge it.

All of you know that the British Ministry For Magic sends convicted witches and wizards to Azkaban and for those who have the death sentence, they are kissed by a Dementor.

It was revealed in the Fantastic Beasts movie, the American Ministry drops people in a pool kind of thing where they witness their happiest memories and then are terminated.

But no one knows what happens to those wizards who are sentenced in France. There must be a Ministry of Magic in France too and they should have some sort of punishment for those witch and wizards who have done wrong.

What if instead of sentencing people to Azkaban or dropping them off in a well, the French Ministry banishes all those convicted wizards to Wonderland?

As seen in the Goblet of Fire, the French witches and wizards are very extravagant and care a lot about making an appearance as observed from their arrival to Hogwarts and by the way Fleur complained about how less decorated Hogwarts was. Why would they make a dull and boring prison? 

What if Wonderland had been created by French wizards as a sort of prison from where those Dark wizards/murderers could never come out of and remain stuck forever in that bizarre world and be driven to madness eventually?

I think all of us can agree that the Queen of Hearts could have been a witch with a hobby of killing people for even the tiniest of objections. She could have been a bakery runner in France who made amazing pastries and tarts which were magical because well, she is a witch with baking powers. But one day someone stole her lemon tarts which resulted in her going haywire and unleashing her magic thus exposing her to the Muggles and killing off the suspects for stealing.

Or you can also take this idea on a different route. Wonderland could be a sort of safe zone for young witches and wizards too.

Like imagine there is some sort of war going on and the witches and wizards who are participating in it want their kids to be safe and unaffected by it. And then when it's the time, a rabbit hole opens and the kids go into it.

So all those people who couldn't participate in the war either due to very young age, frailty or any sort of disease would just go down the rabbit hole and be safe from the war in another alternate world.

And when the war is over and everything is alright in their world, a rabbit hole would open up again for them to crawl out.

But there might be some people who like this wonderland so much that they simply decide to stay there and over time, they turn into the Mad Hatter, the Queen of Hearts, the Duchess and all other such creatures that inhibit wonderland.

Also, time stays still in wonderland and no one is growing older or younger so for some of them, it might be an ideal place to live forever, just like Neverland from Peter Pan stories. 

[Now I am thinking about a crossover with Peter Pan too but never mind, it's not fully developed yet and when it will be I will include it here].

You can expand the story from then on focusing on these people who decided to stay in Wonderland, how some of them went bad and affected the imaginary world adversely and how years after, a child named Alice comes to set things right like she could be the Chosen One for Wonderland.

It's all up to you. If you want to write it, you can take the idea but do let me know because I want to read such a story.

This story can go in any way you want, you can make Alice a Longbottom as in most fan theories Neville's children were named Frank and Alice or you could write of Alice as the original Alice from either Wonderland or HP it's all up to you.

And if this idea seems stupid, I apologize because most of the ideas that come to me when I am half asleep are bound to be like this.

I simply had to write it somewhere so I won't forget all about it and thought of publishing it here just to see what you guys think.

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