Part 7: Legendary Writing Tips

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From the title, you guys probably think this chapter is about writing tips and tricks that have been given so often that many people know the words by heart.

But in this part, we are going to take these legendary writing tips and break them down to see whether these tips are really that useful or not.

Note that I will be using my personal writing experience to judge these tips, so there's a high chance some of you would disagree with it, for some of you these tips might have worked but my experience could be different from that.

The main purpose of including this part is to encourage people and especially young writers to break the norm and explore the world of writing and creativity without limiting themselves due to these tips that they blindly follow just because it seems a requirement for writing (which is totally not the case!)

So in this part we will be discussing a few of these legendary tips that you all know and I will be sharing what worked for me and how you can also try different ways to make it work for your own writing style.

I know some of you are still confused about this but don't worry, it will all be cleared further in the upcoming chapters.

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