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The book we are going to review today is Daisy Dursley: Flower Sparks by ravenclaweruditeowl

Now first these are the basics.

Book Name: Daisy Dursley: Flower Sparks

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Book Name: Daisy Dursley: Flower Sparks

Author's account name: ravenclaweruditeowl

Main Characters: Daisy Dursley, Dudley and Anna Dursley, Harry Potter and a few others.


Daisy Dursley, Dudley's daughter, finds out that she is a witch. How will she manage her grandparents' wizard prejudice, her own friendship problems (in the wizarding and muggle world), plus a new evil at Hogwarts? On the side, Dudley finds himself enjoying times with the Potter and Weasley families. How can he admit it to his parents? Can Harry ever completely forgive him? Can he forgive himself?

Chapter Count: 28 and ongoing.


Now let's get on with the review!


1. The Title:

The title is simple but I suppose it might collaborate with the theme later on. In my opinion the title is a symbolic representation in which Flower stands for Daisy and Sparks stand for her magic.

2. The Cover:

The cover matches the title well and I have an idea that the concept of flower sparks is going to be a main part of the story.

3. Concept:

The story is based on Dudley Dursley's daughter who starts showing signs of magic and thus is accepted into Hogwarts as a student.

4. Review (includes Summary too):

The story starts with a scene in which McGonagall informs Harry that his cousin's daughter will be attending Hogwarts as she had started showing signs of accidental magic.

The fanfic then proceeds on to Daisy's birthday. In this scene the author has clearly depicted Dudley's character development as he gets his daughter one considerate present instead of 30 something presents he was accustomed to get in a young age.

The author has shown that Dudley has realized what's best for his kids and has decided to learn from the mistakes his parents made in order to be a better parent himself.

Since it's a next generation story, good changes have been made in the traditional aspects of Hogwarts such as inclusion of a building where Muggle-borns and Halfbloods can keep electronics and use them once every week and also inclusion of regular classes such as English, Maths, Science instead of Muggle studies.

What I think:

I love the concept of this story as well as the way the characters are presented. It shows from the writing that the author has put enough effort into the story.

The writing style is simple but effective and I found it easy to keep track of all going on in the story (which is really important but doesn't happen often due to complicated writing styles). Daisy Dursley is written quite well as the author has paid attention not only to her personality but also to her thoughts and her childhood events, I have read many fanfics in which the character's life before he/she is eleven is just not discussed at all but this is an entire different case altogether.

The setting of the story in modern times has also been well done. And over all I appreciate the author for all the effort put in the fanfic.


If you are looking for a story on Dudley's family and how time has changed them as well as on modern day Hogwarts then this is the book for you.


ravenclaweruditeowl I enjoyed reading Flower Sparks a lot. I loved Daisy's character and also enjoyed Dudley's reactions to magic throughout the story. Also, I guess it's appreciable that you didn't title your story as Dudley's Daughter or The Magical Dursley because such titles do not seem original at all.

You have surely put a lot of effort in the fanfic and it definitely shows. I surely will be reading more of it when I complete all the reviews. Best of Luck and hope you keep on writing in your wonderful writing style.

 Best of Luck and hope you keep on writing in your wonderful writing style

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