* The Other Malfoy

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Similar to the Potter twin stories, there are a lot of Other Malfoy stories too, roughly about 61.8 K on Wattpad. Summarizing the whole chapter in one sentence: these stories are the complete opposite of the plot line of Potter Sibling stories only with a few similarities here and there.

You can get a lot of similar stories with just typing a few basic keywords, which are usually used as the fanfic's title:

The Other Malfoy

Draco's Twin Sister

The Forgotten Malfoy

The Lost Malfoy

The Better Malfoy

OC's Personality and traits:

1. As far as appearance is concerned, she has platinum blonde hair and eyes of any other color than Lucius and Narcissa's eye color. Or sometimes she has blue eyes.

2. She has some sort of super talent which is exhibited through the difference of her eyes.

[And the reason to her talent and different eye color is never explained].

3. She is shown to be completely different from her family. She is kind to house elves, does not have the pureblood supremacy issues, is a flawless and harmless creature etc etc who sings with birds and talks to animals.

[Consider her to be Snow White with skin as white as snow, eyes as unique as possible and hair the shade of pale silver gold etc].

4. I think people have a set in stone view of how life with Death Eaters would be like. So this poor Malfoy is abused by her family and her parents are cruel to her and Draco doesn't give a flying crap about her.

[This is also one more aspect of the fanfic that is never explained. Why would the Malfoys hate one child and completely adore the other one? Why would Narcissa be such a mean person to her own daughter while she is the complete opposite to Draco? No reason is given for this family hate crises].

5. Things worsen when she comes to Hogwarts and is sorted into Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.

[Why don't people consider Hufflepuff when it comes to sorting their OCs? Keeping this sympathetic Malfoy's nature in mind, she is the best candidate to be sorted in Hufflepuff].

6. This female Malfoy (because we honestly don't get to read about an OC who happens to be the canon character's brother) can behave later on in the book in two ways: 

a) Either she is the silent type who keeps to herself, doesn't interfere with anyone, holds everything inside her and silently suffers the pain of existence (most likely if the house she's sorted into is Ravenclaw).

b) Or she does a 180 degree flip and becomes a social butterfly who every boy wants and every girl is jealous of (and this is more likely to happen if she's sorted in Gryffindor).

7. If the girl is sorted into Slytherin (which is very very rare) then she's portrayed to be a badass girl with a heart of gold but she doesn't really know it yet until Mr Right comes along.

8. And that Mr Right is only specified to either Harry Potter or Cedric Diggory or Blaise Zabini (that's very rare) or Viktor Krum (another rarity).

[It's almost as if Ron, Neville, Ernie, Colin, Fred, George and the other male characters do not even exist in these fanfics].

[It's almost as if Ron, Neville, Ernie, Colin, Fred, George and the other male characters do not even exist in these fanfics]

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