* Brainstorming

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Now this method works all the time. Brainstorming is great when you are stuck at a story.

For instance, let's suppose you're writing a story on Peter Pettigrew's life and you are stuck on how to proceed on to his life as a Death Eater. All you have to do is relax and take a paper and pen.

On the paper state in bullets the important events you have covered in your story such as Peter's school days with the Marauders. And also list all the events that would follow according to the timeline present in HP Wiki (keep in mind that the chronological order should be correct, it may seem hard but then Wiki provides all the needed authentic information for that).

In that way you will get a clear mental outline on all the important events that will take place in the story and trust me, once you get a hold on the main stuff, you will be easily able to add in the chapters which lead to the main events.

You should always set a goal before proceeding towards it and in this case, the main events become your goal and the filler chapters or other chapters constitute the journey.

This is called Brainstorming. And it helps a lot.

Also, when you're not progressing in your writing, write/note down everything you can think of, even if it's bad. Lower your standards and keep writing. You can refer to them later and might conveniently construct a new idea. 

In other words, don't be a perfectionist at this point of time, just write what you can think of, as you can always edit it later. Even if it's not related to what you're currently writing, write it down. It might come in handy in your next projects. Abandon nothing when it comes to writing ideas.


I know these tips may seem very simple to most of you but these simple tips can sometimes save a story from getting stuck.

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