[Anthea X F!Reader] Love Is Love

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Yayyy! Harmonia Sibling Law. Also first girl x girl one-shot is my lovely precious goddess XD. If you guys don't know the Harmonia Family then you should check them out, mostly N, Anthea, and Concordia.

Alright, before this gets too far, I'll start the One-shot. If you guys are wondering why I'm making this in the weekdays, it's because I just want to write more...


Y/N nervously sat on the bench, nervously waiting for their pink-haired crush to come by. It was something she wasn't used to. She was raised in a family that never talked about liking the same gender and Y/N always felt like it wasn't accepted in the community. She nervously sighed as she looked at the bush beside them, only to see a single rose. She faintly smiled, knowing how much her crush loves roses. As her mind thought of her crush, she felt her heart skip a beat, she wanted to confess but her crush may end up rejecting her and shaming her for loving the same gender.

Y/N carefully picked it from the bush and smiled softly. "Ah, observing another rose." A voice said, making Y/N look up to see her crush, Anthea. "Whenever I see you, you always seem to be observing a Rose." She said as she held Y/N's hand and lifted her up from the bench. "My dearest friend, you seem to be troubled. Do you wish to talk about it?" She asked her, giving Y/N a soft and concerned smile.

"Oh, I mean, if it's fine with you..." Y/N said, blushing a slight bit. "I-I mean, it isn't that important anyways..." She said as she faked a smile.

Anthea sighed as she shook her head. "Faking a smile isn't healthy." She said as she frowned. "Please, tell me what is wrong..." She said as she began to walk with Y/N beside her.

"It's just that..." Y/N said as she sighed. "Can I ask you a question first...?" She asked as she frowned in worry.

"Of course, I'll give you an honest answer," Anthea said as she nodded her head, giving Y/N a soft smile hoping it would calm her down.

"Well...What do you think of two people of the same gender loving each other? Like, romantically...?" Y/N asked hesitantly while looking away, trying to hide her blush.

"Well, I don't see a problem with them..." The Goddess of Love answered truthfully. "Love is in so many forms." She said.

"S-so, you don't t-think it's shameful...?" Y/N asked nervously.

"Of course not!" Anthea said with a smile. "I actually think they are rather adorable and more understanding than heterosexual people, of course, that is based on my experience with them" She replied with a smile. "Hm, why do you ask?" She asked.

"Ah- Well-" Y/N said as she shook his head. "Nothing, never mind-" She quickly replied until Anthea stood in front of her.

Anthea frowned as she crossed her arms. "Y/N, please tell me. I am beginning to grow more worried about you..." She said as she placed her hands on Y/N's shoulders.

Y/N shakily sighed as her eyes began to swell up in tears. She bowed her head in shame as she bit her lip. "I-I'm ashamed of myself..." She said quietly.

"Why?" Anthea asked as she looked down at her due to their height differences. "Why are you ashamed of yourself?" She asked, genuinely concerned.

"It's because I like a girl and I don't think it's right..." Y/N explained as she tried to stop her tears from falling.

"Y/N, it's love... Just because the two of you are the same gender doesn't mean it's forbidden..." Anthea said, wishing she can explain even better. She never liked seeing Y/N down in the dumps.

"How? I always hear that a girl must be with a boy...Never a girl being with a girl..." Y/N said as she looked at the Rose still on her hand.

"Just because people say that it doesn't mean you should follow what they say, you need to follow your heart..." Anthea said as she carefully held Y/N's hand.

"I-I don't think y-you'll understand-" Y/N said as she wiped her stream of tears.

"Then please, tell me so I could understand..." Anthea pleaded as she held both of Y/N's hands now.

"I-It's just that-" Y/N said hesitantly as she sighed. She leaned towards Anthea and rested her head on her shoulder. "I-I really like you-" She said in a quiet voice and heard Anthea's breathing stop for a moment.

"I-I never expected you t-to feel that way to me..." Anthea said as she was about to cup Y/N's cheeks but she stepped back with tears on her eyes.

"A-Ah- I-I'm Sorry, I know y-you probably don't like me back..." Y/N said as she looked at Anthea's soft eyes.

Anthea carefully cupped Y/N's cheeks while softly smiling. "Y/N, I like you back..." Anthea calmly explained while her cheeks grew red. "I simply never expected you liking me back." She said.

"You like me back..?" Y/N quietly mumbled as Anthea smiled and nodded her head. "A-Ah- I never expected that-" she said nervously as her face turned red.

"Then...I believe it's okay if I do this..." Anthea said as she leaned towards Y/N and softly placed her lips against Y/N's lips. At first, Y/N was shocked but she soon melted into the kiss. As soon as the two of them pulled away, their faces became red.

Y/N awkwardly chuckled as she nervously held Anthea's hand. "W-wow- that was k-kinda nice-" she said nervously said as Anthea chuckled back.

"Yeah...I have to agree..." Anthea said as she looked at the Rose Y/N was still holding. She carefully took it from her and carefully took off the thorns on it while quietly humming.

"What are you doing...?" Y/N asked as she watched Anthea finish taking out the thorns.

"Hm, I guess you can say this is my way of asking you to be my girlfriend." Anthea simply said as she held the Rose in front of Y/N while she softly smiled.

Y/N looked at the Rose and smiled as she took it. "Then I accept your request..." She said.

"Aha, wonderful...!" Anthea said as she held Y/N's hand and smiled. "Is it alright if we have a date right now?" She asked.

"Sure..!" Y/N said as she leaned into Anthea's shoulder.

"Alright! Let's get going!" Anthea said as the two of them walked together while heading to a restaurant together.

Along the way, some people gave the two of them strange looks since they were holding hands, making Y/N grow more nervous.

Anthea noticed this and frowned a little. "My dearest, don't worry about what everyone is thinking." She said as Y/N nodded her head a little. "Besides, I know a lot of people who will support our new relationship." She informed Y/N, making her smile.

"Then I'd like to meet those people." Y/N said as the two went on with their date with each other



Woah- this was somewhat good. I like how the first LGBTQ+ one-shot And it's with the goddess of Love. I feel like I'll be better at writing the Harmonia Siblings at this point. Anyways, if you guys like the one-shot, feel free to leave a vote! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!

[Created at October 16, 2018]

[Edited at ???]

Word Count : 1300

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