[Diantha X Reader] Co-Workers

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Diantha sighed as she took a sip of her coffee while scrolling through her social media. She brought up her sunglasses towards her forehead and glanced around, knowing that only 5 minutes had passed by.

"Madam Diantha?" A waiter says as he walked over. "Is there anything you need?" He asked.

Diantha looked over at the employee and politely shook her head while smiling. "As for now, nothing. I have to wait till someone comes over." She explained as she took another sip of her coffee.

"Ah, I see. Feel free to call me over if you need anything." The waiter said as he walked off.

Diantha nodded her head in response and looked around the empty café, glad that they scheduled this meet-up early. She suddenly heard the door open and looked over to see a man around a year or two younger than her wearing a [favorite color] tuxedo. The man glanced around the café and sighed in relief once he saw Diantha and her signature white coat. He walked over and gave Diantha a nervous grin.

"Aha, I'm sorry M'lady. My flight was delayed for some reason and I couldn't find this café." The man apologized, making Diantha chuckle.

"It's fine Monsieur Y/N," Diantha said with a polite smile. "Please, take a seat and order something while we discuss about the project."

"Thank you, and you don't have to be so formal." Y/N replied with a more relaxed smile on his face. He took off his coat and placed it behind his chair and took a seat while fixing his sleeves.

"I would if you will do the same," Diantha said as she took a sip of her coffee and watched the waiter walk over to Y/N.

"I will," Y/N said as he ordered himself a cup of tea and paid it in advance. "So, we are finally working together for this project!" He said, his relaxed smile was replaced with a rather excited look. "I've always wanted to perform in the same movie as you."

"Oh really?" Diantha said in awe, never expecting to have a well-known and famous Actor like Y/N be excited to work with her.

Y/N nodded his head in response. "Yeah if I'm honest, you are an inspiration to me!" He said, his face a bit red from saying that to Diantha.

Diantha smiled a bit, Y/N's career only started when he was 14 while hers started when she was 10, which may have been why Y/N had seen her as an inspiration.

"Well, I must say that I also see you as my inspiration," Diantha confessed with a smile across her face, making Y/N's face light up with happiness. She had known Y/N and his skills for a long time and she was always in awe at how he performed in musicals and action films, speaking of films, she is wonderful at the genre of the film they were currently working on, which was exciting since she would get to help Y/N out.

"Oh! I-It's a pleasure...!" Y/N said, flustered from Diantha's confession. "Ah! We should talk about the project..." he said.

Diantha nodded her head. "Indeed you are. From what I heard, the two of us will be playing as the main characters who fall in love with each other throughout the film." Diantha said, "I take it that this is your first time doing a romance film?" She asked.

"Yes..." Y/N responded whilst nodded his head. "I suppose you'll be guiding me on what to do?" He asked, his tone was a bit nervous since all the films and musicals he was starred on only focused on action, not romance.

"Of course!" Diantha said, rather excitingly. "We'll be working together for the next two years. And plus, the film is both action and romance, so I can help you with the romance part and you can help me with the action part." She said.

"Yeah! Good idea!" The Unova Actor replied as he smiled. "This'll be a fun film to do!" He said, his voice expressing his excitement. Not a few moments later, both Y/N and Diantha's phone buzz.

The two took their phones to check to notification and smiled. "There's a meeting in an hour—" the two said in-sync, making them laugh.

"Let's get going, I wouldn't want to be here when the paparazzi go here for their daily search of me," Diantha said, somewhat joking about her statement.

"Good idea and the paparazzi come here daily?" Y/N asked in shock as he shook up with Diantha.

"Yes, I come here every day and I always see them waiting for me somewhere around here."
Diantha said as she watched Y/N wear his jacket.

"Oh wow, that must be an interesting sight." Y/N commented.

"Oh? So you haven't dealt with paparazzi before Y/N?" Diantha asked.

Y/N shook his head in response. "Oh, I've had my share." He said with a smile as the two walked out of the café.

Diantha shivered a slight bit from the sudden temperature change. It was autumn and apparently, it was in the colder temperature than usual.

"Are you Alright?" Y/N asked concerningly, seemingly not fazed by the cool air.

Diantha looked at him in shock. "How do you not react in these temperatures?" She asked in shock.

"Oh, Unova is extremely cold in the winter." Y/N briefly said as he took off his jacket. "Here, wear this on underneath your coat, it'll keep you warm." He said with a smile.

"Wait, But what about you?" Diantha asked, a bit concerned as she hesitantly wore the jacket.

"No worries, I wore an extra layer, so it won't bother me." Y/N said reassuringly as he helped Diantha wear his jacket underneath her coat.

Once she wore it, she sighed in relief, feeling warm. "Thank you Y/N," She said with a smile.

"It's no problem, you can keep it. Take it as my first act as being your co-worker." Y/N said with a smile. "I can't wait to act with you!" He said.

"Same here, it'll be fun!" Diantha said as she walked beside Y/N, heading towards the building where their meeting was held. As she did so, she secretly held Y/N's jacket, feeling something warm in her heart.

Being Y/N's co-worker will be interesting, there could be chemistry between the two.



I am thankful that I wrote this in school cause I have so much to do and now I just have to copy it from my journal XD. Anyways, if you liked the one-shot, feel free to leave a vote! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful time~

Next up : Ilima X Reader

[Created on October 23, 2018]

[Edited on ???]

Word count : 1156

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