[Adult!Blue X M!Reader] Waiting

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Blue stood by the mantine surfing sign at Poni Island, crossing his arms as he waited impatiently.

"Jeez, he takes soo lonnnggg..." Blue complained while rolling his eyes and groaning.

"Well sorry," A voice said as he approached Blue. It was Y/N, Blue's boyfriend. He had his shirt off and he wore swimming trucks with a towel over his neck. "I just got off you dingus," he said as he playfully punched his arm.

"Ah, Hey!" Blue said as he sighed and turned away. "Well you made me wait and Red is probably annoyed at as so let's get going."

Y/N chuckled. "Blue do you want me to walk around with my swimsuit?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I-Uh-" Blue stuttered out as he turned to Y/N and felt his face turn red. "G-Go change!"

Y/N bursted out in laughter as he clutched his stomach. "Aha! Look at youuuu," he teased while he wiped the tears forming in his eyes from his laughter. "Cuttteeee," he complimented before giving Blue a quick smooch in the checks before walking towards the changing booth.

Blue stood there in slight awe before sighing softly. "...jeez..." he quietly sighed as he touched the spot Y/N kissed him at and smiled.

Soon enough, Y/N waltzed out of the changing booth wearing his shirt and pants while his hair was messily dried. "Alrighty, let's get going."

"You always keep me waiting," Blue said as he sighed and rolled his eyes.

Y/N chuckled as he slipped his hands towards Blue's hand and grinned. "Mhm, but you still love me, don't you?" He asked while he rested his head on Blue's shoulder while the two began to walk.

"Yeah yeah," Blue said as he rolled his eyes sarcastically. He soon gazed towards Y/N and sighed. "I do love you..." he said as he tightly held Y/N's hand.

Y/N softly hummed and smiled as he glanced at Blue. "Good, because I love you too," Y/N cooed as the two continued to walk side-to-side.

"Let's hope Red isn't annoyed at us," Blue said as he turned his attention to the wild Pokémon running back and forth nearby.

"Don't worry, it's early and he has Green to hang out with," Y/N reassured him as he glanced up to the sky to see a soft red hue across the sky. "The sky looks beautiful."

"Nah, you beat the sky on the beauty scale," Blue said with a sly grin as he chuckled.

"Hush you...!" Y/N said as his cheeks flustered red. He softly pinched Blue's cheek before kissing it.can we go faster?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah, sure," Blue said as he chuckled before the two began running towards the battle tree.



There we go, I finished this. It's short again so rip me. I've been a bit tired so it's hard to write stuff. But thank you for reading, please go ahead and suggest some characters and vote if you liked the one-shot. Thank you again for reading and have a wonderful life.

Next up : Favorite Characters Scenarios

[Created on February 1, 2019]

[Edited on ???]

Word count : 534

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