[Archie X Shy!Team Aqua!F!Reader] Shy gal

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Requested by AnaberuJoka


[Y/N] glanced at the seashore, breathing in the salty breeze before her gaze landed on two familiar figures by the beach. "It's Archie and Shelly..." She whispers quietly before frowning a little bit. She knew that the two had a strong bond with each other and it gave her some sort of pain due to the fact that she had a growing crush on the man.

The other grunts weren't helpful either, all they say is that the two are dating. She could ask Archie and Shelly or even Matt but her shy personality kept her from approaching the admins. In honesty, they scared her a bit from that.

As her mind wandered with all the thoughts about the two, suddenly heard a familiar voice calling to her.

"Ay! [Y/N]! There ye are!" She heard Archie yell as both he and Shelly approached the shy grunt.

"A-Ah! Captain...!" She spoke in a cowardly tone as she looked at the two.

It felt strange, she blindly listened to his speech but it went in one ear and out the other. All she could mainly focus on was the relationship between the two people in front of them. It was all her mind could think of with the growing envy causing her eyes to well up with tears.

Archie caught this sudden change. "Lassie, are ye alright?" He asks as he held out his hand to reach on her shoulder. She immediately flinched backward.

"S-Sorry!" She called out before running away, leaving the two worried.

"Shelly, ye know what's up with 'er?" He asked the admin while frowning. It wasn't quite obvious to the lower ranks but he actually has a soft spot for the shy grunt. He confides to Shelly all the time about his feelings for [Y/N], that's why he's constantly around her.

"I think she heard of the rumor the grunts are spreadin'," She told Archie. "They say that we're dating and I guess it got to her."

Archie sighed, "I'll go check on her," He told Shelly before walking off to find [Y/N].

[Y/N] had stopped running when she arrived close to the team hideout. Instead of going inside, she sat by the water and watched the wild Pokemon playing around. She wiped her tears while hoping that she'd stop sobbing.

"I'm so stupid for being in love with a taken man..." She whispered to herself in anger before hearing footsteps beside her.

"Who said I was taken?" Archie said with a laugh before sitting beside [Y/N], who only looked away after he sat down. "tell me, lassie, what's the problem?"

[Y/N] remained quiet while she used her gloves to wipe her tears.

"C'mon..." He softly cooed before leaning close to [Y/N] and hugged her. "I know you think me and Shelly are together but we're not, she's just a close friend, like my sister," He comforts her.

[Y/N] was unsure whether it was true or not but it provided a small bit of comfort to the shy grunt. "Why are you telling me...?" She asked in a cowardly tone.

"Well, because this captain is in love with someone else," He declared with a grin. "Would ye like to take a guess?"

She stayed quiet, a bit in awe that her crush likes someone else instead of Shelly. But they didn't want to know who it was. "No..."

Archie laughed, "Well, it should be obvious." [Y/N] just tilted her head, confused at his response. He leaned over and placed a quick kiss on her nose. "Does that give ye a clue?"

[Y/N] sat there with her face as red as the sun as she nervously laughed. "I-Is it me...?" She asked cautiously.

"Ye're right!" He said before giving the shy grunt a big embrace.

[Y/N] laughs before smiling back. "I... I'm so surprised...!" She whispered with her weak voice before smiling. "I love you..."

"I love you too, [Y/N]!" He declared proudly before giving her a kiss on the forehead.



Woah! Finished another one-shot. I'm doing my best to get all of these one-shots done as soon as I can since I took forever and I have a lot of requests to do. But anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful time.

Up next : Bede X Reader

Created on December 30, 2019

Edited on ?

Word Count : 697

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