[Brock X F!Reader] I'll show you what it truly is

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Requested by 1DFoxyAnimeCorgi21



[Y/N] stood by the entrance of her current boyfriend's house. She knocks on the door and waits patiently for her lover to open the door.

Her boyfriend suddenly bursts the door open, his face was filled with anger. "You," He spoke threateningly, causing [Y/N] to worry. He always had these outbursts and it always ends up with her being hurt.

"What's wrong? Did I do something bad?" [Y/N] asked in a worried tone before earning a painful slap across her cheek.

"You decided to go and talk to your friends behind my back, didn't you!?" He asked in anger, glaring at the girl.

"N-No! I just said 'hi'! That was it!" She responded quickly.

"No! And it was even with that boy I told you not to talk to," He continued, his tone growing angrier and angrier as he spoke. "Get out of my sight! I'm through with a slut like you!" He roared before hitting [Y/N] and shoving her towards the dirt.

He slammed the door shut, leaving the frightened girl on the ground, cowering in fear.

She stayed there for a moment, letting the realization hit her that her 'true love' just broke up with her. She shakily got up and tried to approach the door till she heard a familiar voice.


She turned around to see Brock, her dearest childhood friend, sprinting towards her. When he got to her, he glanced at her injured form with shock.

His hands balled into a fist. "It was him again, wasn't it?" He asked.

[Y/N] had always gone to Brock after getting hurt by her now ex-boyfriend. Brock had tried countless of times to convince her to break up with him but it's no use, [Y/N] always says she is just so in love with him that she can't bear to leave him. "N-No..." She whispered, her voice was quivering, it was clearly a lie.

until Brock simply sighed as placed a hand on [Y/N]'s shoulder. "Come on... I'll help you out with your wounds..." He said. Brock had to get her away from his house because it could have led with that son of a gun to come out and injure her even more. He can't bear to see the girl he loves being abused like this. It hurts him.

After Brock brought her to his home, he began treating her wounds. "Can you tell me what happened?" He asked with a low, comforting tone.

[Y/N] looked at Brock and frowned. After a few seconds of silence, [Y/N] collapsed int his arms and began sobbing. "All I did was say hi to my friend..." She said between sobs. "I didn't know he'd get mad."

Brock frowned when he heard this. He knew how controlling [Y/N]'s ex-boyfriend was and he knew that it ended up like this because of it. He kept [Y/N] in his embrace while he hummed a tune both remembered as kids. "At least he won't hurt you anymore."

"I don't think I can handle another heartbreak like this, Brock..." She softly whispered in his embrace, breaking his heart into bits. "I know... I know it wasn't right for him to treat me like that... Now I know and I don't want to deal with it ever again."

Brock couldn't help but feel a mix of feelings. He's glad that she finally learned that the relationship was abuse but his heart is shattered at the fact that she'll reject him if he ever confesses his feelings. He looked at her frame, still embracing him, and frowns.

"Not all relationships are like that, [Y/N]," He tells her.

"What if they are?!' She revolts. "How can you prove to me that all relationships aren't like this?"

Brock looks at her and holds her hands. "I'd like to show you but..." He frowns, wiping the tears rolling down her cheeks. "You need time to heal from this. Both physically and mentally." He then gives her a soft smile. "Then, if you give me a chance, I'll prove it to you."

[Y/N] gasped in awe. She looks at her childhood friend's smile and smiled back with glee. "Thank you..." She softly whispered.


As time passes, [Y/N] gradually heals from this heartbreak and Brock continues to visit her to make sure she's getting better and that her ex doesn't come back to cause any more harm. Finally, [Y/N] felt that she has completely healed and Brock invites her to go on a date with him to show her what love is truly like.

Their date begins with Brock walking over to [Y/N]'s house with a bouquet of flowers and to pick her up. Afterward, the two have a small picnic out in a nearby park. It seemed like a simple date but to [Y/N], it felt like an entirely different feeling from the dates she had before. It felt like a spark reignited in her heart. As the date continued, [Y/N] began to realize that she used to have some sort of affection towards Brock.

As the date ends, both ended up standing in front of [Y/N]'s house.

Brock stood there with a nervous grin. "So... Did I change your mind...?" He asked apprehensively.

[Y/N] thought for a moment before smiling at Brock. "Yeah... You did make me realize two things after this..." She replied.

Brock tilted his head towards the side in confusion. "Two?"

[Y/N] nodded her head. "Mhm... One, relationships aren't all abusive... Some are really nice," She then looked at Brock's face before nervously chuckling. "And... Now, I found out that I might have feelings for you..." She confesses.

Brock's smile grew, "Really?" He embraced her in his arms. "I... I return those feelings to you! I've always loved you and I just wanted you to be safe from your ex." After a few moments of the meaningful silence between them before he spoke up. "But... Are you sure...?"

[Y/N] looked at Brock with a confused expression. "What do you mean?"

Brock held [Y/N]'s hand. "You just got out of an abusive relationship and even though I know we can work well together, I can't promise you that we'll go through rough times..." He tells her. "I want you to make sure that you are 100% sure that you want this."

[Y/N] felt shocked by this response, she never realized how much Brock truly cares about her. She then smiles fondly and hugged Brock. "I'm 100% sure I want this. I know we can get through rough times. I'm sure."

Brock looked at [Y/N] before smiling at her. "Alright..." He replied. "I love you, [Y/N]..."

[Y/N] looked back at Brock before smiling back at him. "I love you too, Brock." For once, it felt real to her. 



Woo, got this down. Sorry for those who have gone through abuse, it's a pain and I understand how bad that could affect you. I just want to say that if you think you are in an abusive relationship, reach out to someone, don't risk getting hurt even more just because you 'love' this person. It's dangerous. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this one-shot and I hope you all have a wonderful time.

Up Next : Archie X Shy!F!Reader

Created on December 30, 2019

Edited on ?

Word Count : 1199

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