[Ilima X Reader] Apprentice

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Yeah, you and Kukui are related in this one.


Ilima sighed as he entered Verdant Cavern and glanced around to see the Pokémon all about to wake up. He chuckled a little as he placed a bunch of berries on the ground to see some of the smaller Pokémon running over to eat it. He sighed tiredly, he had just woken up early and he had a bunch of trial-goers coming over to take on the totems. Not only that but he had to make sure they finished before evening because someone was going to bring a bunch of tourists in here and he wasn't informed until last minute.

He looked at the Pokémon and lightly smiled as he wondered about how the other trial captains were doing. "Ah- that reminds me...Professor Kukui wanted to see me..." He quietly mumbled as he heard footsteps echo through the cavern.

"Hey! Ilima!" A masculine voice called out to the pink-haired trial captain.

"Aha, just in time..." He quietly mumbled. Ilima then turned around to see the professor with a girl around his age walking behind him. The girl had a little Lillipup in her arms who was happily barking in excitement.

"Alola Professor!" Ilima called out with a soft smile on his face, excited to meet the girl. As he called out, his Eevee jumped into his head while happily smiling. "Who's that with you?" He asked curiously while watching the girl hiding behind him.

"Meet my little sister, Y/N. She came back from researching Pokémon in Unova." Kukui said as the girl took a deep breath and stepped aside to shyly wave hello at Ilima.

Ilima's face lit up with excitement. He had heard wonderful things about Y/N from Kukui and how awesome she was with Pokémon. He smiled as he took out his hand to shake Y/N's hand. "Alola Y/N! I am Ilima, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said.

Y/N timidly smiled as she shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you too, Ilima..." She said, her heart racing from meeting Ilima, who she had admired from afar.

"My little sister here is planning to be a trial captain. So, I wanted her to see what's it like to be a trial captain." Kukui said as Y/N blushed nervously.

"Oh! Fantastic! There are a bunch of people who are going to go through my trial today. It'll be useful to have a helping hand!" Ilima said as he smiled at Y/N.

"Awesome, I'll leave her in your hands," Kukui said as he patted Y/N's Head. "Have fun," He told her before he walked off.

Y/N looked at Ilima and smiled timidly as she hugged her Lillipup in her arms. "Let's get started...?" She asked timidly while her cheeks were still red.

Ilima softly smiled at the timid girl and chuckled before nodding his head. "Indeed. Just follow my lead." He informed her.

"Alright...!" Y/N said, feeling their heart race nervously.


A few hours passed by and now it is about to be evening. All the trial-goers had completed Ilima's trial at this point.

Ilima sighed as he began to clean up the area, making Y/N a bit confused. "Huh...? Why are you cleaning up now...?" She asked as she placed her sleeping Lillipup inside her sling-bag.

"Well, in an hour or two, there are going to be tourists here. We have to keep this place clean for them." Ilima explained.

"Ah...! Alright!" Y/N said as they helped Ilima out by picking up the trash and placed it on the trash can.

As she worked, Y/N noticed at the Alola Rattata and Yungoos interacting with each other, which made them smiled in awe and walked over in curiosity. "Woah...! How do you get two enemy Pokémon to work together like this?" She asked in awe as her Lillipup barked in curiosity.

Ilima looked at Y/N and chuckled as he walked over. "I learned how to create a compromise for the two species." He explained as he looked at the two Pokémon.

Y/N looked at Ilima in awe as she smiled widely. "Please, show me how you did it!" She said as her eyes sparkled in awe

Ilima blushed from Y/N's expression and felt his heart skip a beat. He then softly smiled as he nodded his head. "I will, but you will have to work with me as my apprentice. Then, I can teach you more." He said, his heart racing from the thought.

Y/N thought for a moment and smiled. "Sure! I'd love to be your apprentice! I can't wait to learn more from you!" She said happily while her face turned red.

"Wonderful, we'll start tomorrow," Ilima said as he smiled from an idea he had. "Get a lot of sleep, my dear, you'll need it." He said as he lightly booped the tip of Y/N's nose, making her squeal and turn red.

"Aha! A-Alright!" Y/N stuttered our nervously as she twirled her hair with her finger. "Well, see you then...!" She said as she gave Ilima a hug before walking off.

Ilima looked at Y/N as she walked off and softly chuckled. "Adorable..." He thought to himself as he shook his head. "I can't wait to teach her...She'll make a great Trial Captain..." He thought to himself as he got his stuff and walked back to his home.



Woah! Thank you for 200+ reads! This was short at first but then I kept adding on and now I think it's decent. At least I hope. I mean, I had a lot of things on my mind so I think this is better under the circumstances I was in. If you liked this, feel free to leave a vote! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful time!

Next up : Looker X Reader

[Created on October 24, 2018]

[Edited on ???]

Word count : 1005

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