[Cynthia X Reader] Champions

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Cynthia stood there, looking at the closed door while tossing her Garchomp's pokeball up in the air. She silently sighed as her mind began to wander into her thoughts.

Soon enough, she overheard the door open and looked at the person who entered. It was a trainer she heard in the news, Y/N was his name. He was the champion of the [region]. He was visiting just for fun. Not only that but the two of them were in a long term relationship.

"Ah! Mister Y/N," Cynthia greeted with a small smirk as she placed her Garchomp's pokeball in her belt. "It's wonderful to see you!"

Y/N softly smiled, shaking his head softly. "No need to call me 'mister', my dear. We are in the same position as each other," Y/N commented as he walked towards her. "Besides, aren't we dating?"

"It's only the kind thing to do," Cynthia said as she gave Y/N a hug. "I missed you..." She quietly whispered.

"I missed you too," Y/N said as he slightly chuckled. "Now, I came here for a small battle between the two of us, is that fine with you?" Y/N asked as he held Cynthia's hand while softly smiling.

"I'm fine with it, just one Pokémon though," Cynthia said as Y/N chuckled in response.

"Alright then, my love," Y/N said as he leaned over to place a soft kiss on Cynthia before walking at the end of the battle arena. "Do you want me to go easy on you?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Go ahead, my love," Cynthia said as she sent her Garchomp out.

Y/N softly chuckled as he sent out his [main Pokémon]. "Good luck my dear!" Y/N called out as the battle began.


After an hour of battling each other, Cynthia remained victories. "Wonderful job, my love. You shouldn't have went easy on me...!" Cynthia said as she walked over to her Garchomp and healed him up.

She soon turned over and saw Y/N kneeling on the ground, looking down. "Hey...Y/N? Are you alright?" She asked as she walked over to him to check on him.

Soon enough, Y/N looked up at Cynthia and held out a box. "Sorry, I just dropped this. Can you check if something is in there?" Y/N asked with a soft smile.

Cynthia looked at the box and blinked as she tilted her head. "Hm? Why?" She asked as she picked it up.

"Just check for me, my dear," Y/N said as she looked at Cynthia with a soft smile.

"Fine..." Cynthia said as she opened the box and saw a golden ring with a small diamond on it. The box had a small paper, asking 'Will you marry me?'.

Cynthia placed her free hand over her mouth as her eyes began to water once she read those words. "Y-Y/N...?" She mumbled as Y/N chuckled.

"So, what do you say my dear?" He asked as he looked at her in the eyes. "Will you marry me?" He repeated the paper's question.

"Yes...! Of course!" Cynthia said as she threw her arms around Y/N and buried her face on his shoulder, crying tears of joy.

Y/N chuckled as he held her tightly before carrying her and swinging her around. "Aha...!" He said as he placed Cynthia on the ground and placed the ring on her ring finger. After he did that, he brought his hands up to her cheek and stared deeply in her eyes. "I love you..." He quietly whispered while holding a joyful smile.

"I love you too..." Cynthia whispered back as Y/N leaned over and placed a soft kiss on her lips, making her melt into it.



That was bad, sorry guys. I haven't been posting much cause of school. I'll try my best though! This is a short one so I'm sorry... anyways, if you liked this one-shot, feel free to leave a vote! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful time!

Next up : N x Reader

[Created on December 2, 2018]

[Edited on ???]

Word count : 700

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