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Sakura walked back into the Akatsuki base. She was silent now, not talking to anyone else. Especially since the death of Sasori and Deidara, she has been extremely mute towards everyone.

She walked to her room and entered quietly. She stood in the doorway and teared up slightly. The poor girl hated her life at this point. She didn't want to be here anymore... she missed Sasuke so much... she missed naruto, kakashi, Roxy...

She sat down on her bed and started to take off her gear. She started to heal her bruises and wounds as her hair fell into her face. She never cut it since Roxy left. No particular reason why, she just hasn't.

Black streaks went through her hair, which was a constant reminder to her that she was losing her normal self, but she didn't necessarily care since technically no one really cared about her beforehand anyways.

She finished and pulled her comfy clothes on when a knock sounded on the door. Pain opened it slightly. "Are you done?" He said impatiently. Sakura frowned and ignored him. "Since when do you ignore me?" He said in annoyance

The young girl looked at him. "You said Roxy wasn't going to be there and guess what... she was... Why should I trust you at this point now?"

Pain grimaced at her. "Always asking questions... just follow commands and shut up." He stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Sakura continued to try and fix her hair, until she heard a faint knock. She turned her head. "Come in?"

She was greeted by Itachi who had a plate of food and a drink for her. "Hey.. I brought you some food and drink so you won't have to deal with him." Sakura smiled softly and held the things he brought her.

"Thank you, Itachi." She placed them on her table. She looked in the mirror and touched her hair slightly. He noticed of course. "Do you want a hair cut?"

She looked at him and nodded. He nodded and motioned her over to the bathroom. "Alright, take a seat and I'll get to work." She smiled as he started to cut her hair short again. She hated it long... for multiple reasons.

Itachi cut it to her shoulders and trimmed her bangs. "Pain really can't cut your hair properly at all..." he sighed as he trimmed some more.

"He doesn't care about me... he only acts like he does so he can keep me in the Akatsuki and utilize my ability." Itachi looked at her.

"Then why stay?"

The girl looked down and sighed. "I have no where else to go... my parents in Konoha hate me... Roxy left me here, I'm a convict, my team probably won't accept me anymore, I'm wanted in all the villages... I literally have no where to go." She said as she clenched her fists.

Suddenly Itachi got down to the girls level, yes she was 16-17 but she was relatively small still. "Sakura... no matter what. You always have a place to go. I am one of those places. Remember that." He smiled and poked the diamond on her forehead.

She teared up and hugged him. He hugged her back and sighed. "Everything will be alright at some point." She nodded and pulled from the hug slightly.

"Now.. pretty girls like you shouldn't be sad. I know Sasuke would agree. So, get some rest." He patted her head and walked out. Sakura rubbed her neck and sighed as she looked at her hair. Black streaks going through it.

She just left the bathroom and turned out the light.

Roxy was at her apartment. She had her own now. She was scanning through files. Files about her husband. She had never seen these before so, it was a nice little gift from Madam Hokage. She came to a picture of Misaki. Sakura looked just like her father. The pink hair, green eyes, award winning smile. Truly her husbands kiddo.

She was gonna go deeper into the files when she heard a quick knock at her door. She opened it and saw Sasuke. The boy definitely gotten tall.

"Yes Uchiha?" She said. He rolled his eyes slightly. "Madam Hokage is requesting our presence. We're having a meeting on a potential attack." Roxy nodded and pulled her shoes on.

"Who's going to be there?" She asked a she pulled her headband on. "Kages, clan heads, Jounin... it's supposed to be a very intense meeting."

Roxy felt extremely worried but nodded. She walked with him through the village. She glanced at him. "I take it you like my daughter." Sasuke got slightly flustered as he walked. "Maybe..." he said quietly.

Roxy chuckled. "I accept only yes and no answers." He turned his head slightly. "Yes... I really do..." Roxy looked at him and saw his reaction and smiled softly. "You're a good boy you know that?"

He smiled faintly. "Thank you, ma'am."  She nodded as they walked into the building and ultimately made it to the office. They walked in and sat down waiting for Tsunade to speak.

"Alright... everyone thank you for coming. We have a situation at hand. The Akatsuki is going to be making an attack again. But... this time they have a new ally. Madara Uchiha." Roxy froze. She remembered pain talking about a new partnership years ago.

"We is here through Edo Tensei... a situation where passed shinobi are brought back to life. We need to be ready. This man can do a lot of damage and kill thousands in a matter of minutes."

Roxy looked down and took a deep breath and calmed herself down. "We have asked Orochimaru to revive some of the Shinobi from when we were young adults." Roxy looked up slightly.

"Here are the shinobi were are reviving along with their credentials. Minato Namikaze, the 4th Hokage. Hashirama Senju, the 1st Hokage. Tobirama Senju, the 2nd Hokage. Misaki Haruno, my previous apprentice And previous candidate for Mizukage." She said as she closed the folder. "Anymore information needed?"

"Who is Misaki Haruno?" Gaara said in his chair. Tsunade passed out a file.

"Misaki Haruno was the strongest man in the world. He surpassed people that were on the level of hashirama and madara. He learned Medical Jutsu, mastered in and turned it into a weapon. He was my student and I can say, he is very capable."

Mei Terumi nodded and then looked at Tsunade. "Is he Sakura Haruno's father? The notorious member of the Akatsuki?" Tsunade nodded slightly.

"Does he know his daughter is apart of this organization?" Mei continued. Tsunade was about to answer when-

"No... he died before he got to me his daughter..." everyone looked at Roxy. "And how would you know this?"

Roxy looked at everyone in the room. "Be she is as his wife and I am the mother of Sakura Haruno."

Sakura Of the Akatsuki Where stories live. Discover now