Power Up

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"I am Kaguya... Otsutsuki... the Goddess of All Worlds..." she said as Olly was out of the fight for the time being.

Roxy smirked and looked at her unphazed. "I don't believe in gods."

She placed her hands together. "You think, you can bully people into submission! You're wrong! You think I'm afraid to die to take you down..."

Her hair grew long, her eyes glowed, and her hands glowed red. She laughed as she stretched as she felt her power rush through her.

She tilted her head as she looked at Kaguya. "Well you're wrong..." ghostlike figures rose from
The ground around Kaguya. They threw chains around her and held her down.

Roxy did additional hand seals. "Demon Seal: Purgatory." The  ground cracked opened as she moved her hands from the seal.

Kaguya winced as she tried to get out. She was resisting really well.  "No!" She quickly switched dimensions. They were put into a sandy hot dimension.

Olly stood up and looked at roxys new form. She stared at Kaguya who broke the chains. Chains came from Roxys arms as she rushed towards Kaguya. Olly went full bijuu and rushed at her as well.

Kaguya caught roxys chains and pulled her close. Roxys smirked and shot fire at her face. Olly jumped up and shot ice at her.

Kaguya spun and blocked the ice. Roxy jumped back. Steam started to come off of her. Olly ran over and tapped her shoulder. He started to cool her internally so she wouldn't lose it.

"Ever used this power?"

Roxy looked at him shook her head. He chuckled.
"Looks dope." He raised his hands and then shot mountains of ice at Kaguya. She started to hit them away, giving them time to plan.

"Any plans?"

"We... need to immobilize her..." Olly nodded. "We need to get her arms so she can stop casting Jutsu."
Roxy nodded. She wasn't super talkative in this form.

"Why don't you use this form more often?" He asked. She looked at him. "It... hurts." His eyes widened slightly. She just rushed Kaguya and went for her head.

Before she could do anything Kaguya caught her by the neck. Roxy winced and tried to get out of her grip. "ROXY!" Olly yelled out.

"So you're that demon girl that I've heard about... never thought your Jutsu would be perfected." Roxy struggled and winced as she felt more chakra be put into her system.

"I know how your Jutsu works... the more chakra in you there is, the deadlier it is I assume?" Roxy struggled more, which gave Kaguya her answer. An evil gaze grew across her face. "HAHA! Take all the chakra you want!"

Roxy cried out as she felt her arms burn. She was losing control over her ability. Kaguya slammed her to the ground. "Isn't this pathetic! A woman who couldn't protect her husband! Couldn't stop her boyfriend from becoming evil, couldn't save her daughter from death, couldn't protect her village, is now groveling at the feet of a god!"

Olly manipulated roxys body temperature To stop her from burning and losing control. He assumed it would be like a bijuu but worse.

Roxy gripped Kaguyas wrist. "Y-you! Didn't take.. into consideration there are three people... stronger than me..."

Kaguya raised a brow.

In the matter of seconds, Kaguyas arms were cut cleanly off. Kaguyas eyes widened as she stumbled back. Her eyes widened. "No..."

"Shannaro!" Kaguya was slammed into the ground by a pink haired fury. Kaguya was greeted by a crater that she was at the bottom of. Sasuke and Naruto put their hands together and started to seal her.

"I will be back!" She screamed. "Even stronger Otsutsuki will come and destroy the world!" Her voice finally faded away when she was sealed.

Roxy laid on the ground gripping her head. She cried out in pain. Her voice was distorted with another's voice.

Olly ran over to her but she quickly put a shaky hand up. "S-stop! I don't want to hurt you..." she said with pain and anger in her voice. One of her eyes was fully black and the other was her normal eye color.

Olly shoved her hand out of the way and hugged her tightly. He winced cause she started to burn him. "Let GO!" She screamed.

"No!" He said as he started to cool her body temperature down. "I-I don't want to hurt you..." she said as she started to cool down.

He pulled slightly from the hug and looked at her. Her other eye was turning black. "Let me help you... okay?" She stayed still, as if stunned by his words. She then nodded.

His eyes glowed blue and he entered her mind. It was as if a hurricane was in her mind. It was hot and there was faint whispering.

This was a technique that Roxy only used if she believed she needed to fight something to the death. As he walked through her mind, he left ice trails throughout.

He walked and found her center. She was standing there holding her head and looking down. She was tearing up. He walked over and lifted her head up faintly.

She met his gaze. He smiled softly and held her hand. "Let me help you Roxy... you don't have to be tough here anymore." She teared up more and nodded.

He held her head and let the ice cool her. "See you on the other side." He said with a smile.

He snapped back and Roxy was there. Her eyes went back to normal and her temperature was where it needed to be. She glanced at him and then looked down.

He smiled and helped her up. "Since when do you let me help you?" He said teasing her slightly.

She chuckled slightly. "Since my entire body is in pain." He just picked her up and cooled her down.

Sasuke walked over and opened a portal. Sakura ran over. "Mom..."

"She's fine... don't worry. She just needs to rest since the battle is won."

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