Timeskip: Retake

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* 2 years into the future*

A man ran down into the woods panting and panicking.

"T-they're gonna get me!" He screamed into the vast emptiness. He stumbled as the sounds of people chasing him echoed through the woods.

Suddenly, ahead of him, the red glowing eyes of the notorious sharingan greeted him. Itachi stepped out of the darkness. His eyes glowing in the darkness.

"I-Itachi Uchiha...." he smirked. "Oh yes..." He raised his kunai when suddenly Sasuke and Sakura punched the man at the same time. He collapsed.

Sakura stood there. Now, she had short pink hair and She had a scar on her cheek. She had on her dress attire but with short sleeves and she wore shorts underneath.

Sasukes hair was long. He had a black cloak on with long black pants and a dark shirt on underneath. He had a sword now. He nodded at Sakura and searched the man for any type of information on what was happening in Konoha.

He found a small news article in the mans pocket and took it.

"Hokage Madara has officially declared war on all villages in the world. Already hearing rumors of surrender due to Madaras Influence." Sakura frowned.

"We need to take this to roxy." He nodded and handed it to her. Itachi nodded as well. They all ran to their new base.

Roxy was sitting there in all black attire having a briefing with the new members of their resistance and the clan leaders.

She had changed the most. Her hair was extremely long now and was pulled back into a ponytail. She had a black cloak overtop her outfit. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I understand you all are impatient and want to go home, but I am waiting for my operatives to come back and tell me what they found. That'll determine our next move."

Sakura came in a few moments later. Roxy stood as Sakura came over. "Here you go mother." Roxy held it and frowned as she read it.

"I see...." she looked at the group and sighed. "Since Madara is declaring war on the world. We shall go and retake the village." Everyone in the room cheered and stood.

"You all have your missions. Sakura, Sasuke, Gaara, Itachi, and Naruto will go with me. We're gonna destroy its hierarchy." She smirked and dismissed them all.

Roxy looked at Sakura and Sasuke. "How did the interception go?" Sakura gave her a thumbs up with a smile.

"It went really well. The interception went smoothly and his squadron didn't even notice." Roxy nodded and took her cloak off. "Let's get ready to go."

Sasuke nodded and walked out with Sakura. Itachi looked at Roxy. "Are you ready to do this?" He asked as he put a hand on her back. Roxy sighed and nodded.

"The village won't last any longer being run by a dictator. It's being torn apart from the inside." She said as she put the news piece in her pocket.

"Alright..." she smiled faintly. "And I need answers." She walked out. Itachi followed behind her. He was worried about her. She has been working nonstop for two years now...

Naruto was sitting with Gaara. "Gaaraaa. Where's your promise ring?" Gaara looked up from his book. "Promise ring? Oh, it's in my pocket."

Naruto pouted. "Can you please wear it for this mission. I don't want some random villain boy or girl trying to flirt with you." He smiled.

Gaara blushed slightly at the bright man and sighed. "Fine." He pulled it out and put it on his finger. Narutos smile got brighter. He reached over and held his hand and kissed it.

Gaara blushed and hid his head. Naruto chuckled as Sasuke and Sakura walked in. He glanced over at the two.

Sakura had that look whenever she looked at Sasuke. Her eyes would faintly sparkle and it always made naruto feel quite happy, cause he knew he had that same sparkle for Gaara.

Sasuke walked over to Naruto and Gaara. "Alright so. We're going to be retaking the village today possibly. So, please get ready."

Gaara nodded and stood. He gently let go of narutos hand and went to their room.

Sakura started to pack her medical bag. Sasuke walked over and hugged her from behind. He stayed quiet. She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. "You okay?" She said as she turned and held his face gently. He nodded. "Yeah... just tired."

"Physically or mentally?" She asked kissing his head. "Both..." he sighed. She noticed the exhaustion that was in his voice and his eyes.

"Don't worry... soon you'll be able to rest both physically and mentally." He smiled slightly and nodded.

"Now, let's go retake our home and live happily. Deal?"

The Raven nodded and smiled. "Deal."

Roxy walked in as everyone continued packing. "You guys ready to go home finally?"

Everyone cheered and nodded. Roxy smiled at the enthusiasm and nodded. "Good. Now, we're going to be the black ops. We're going to go in fast and hard. Make sure we take out Madara fast. Olly isn't in the village so we don't have to worry about him for now."

Everyone nodded and rushed out to go get their uniforms. Sakura walked over to roxy. "You okay mom?"

Roxy looked at her daughter and nodded slightly. "Yeah... I'm alright. I just want to get this over and done." Sakura nodded.

"I know... me too."

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