Together Again

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Roxy opened her eyes and saw a ceiling instead of the snow.

She winced as she sat up and looked around. She looked and saw Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto asleep in the corner of the room. She sighed in relief knowing that they were okay.

As she sat there she realized Olly wasn't there. Quietly she got out of her bed and stepped outside her room.

Her guards saw her. "Madam Hokage! You need to rest..." she shook her head. "I will later... where is Olly..."

The guards looked at her confused. She sighed. "Yuuki Otsutsuki."

"Oh the convict? He's in the prison waiting to stand trial." Her eyes widened. She ran down the hall as fast as she could. The Hokage had no say when trials were happening.

Olly sat in a cell. He was cuffed and was sat in the darkest part of the prison. He heard a person walked over to the cell. They opened and yanked him out.

"The judges have made a ruling for your case." They took him to where elders would be. He looked down knowing what the ruling would be.

He was pushed in. He felt all those eyes on him. He felt ashamed in all honesty. These were people he worked with when he was still a shinobi of the village.

"Nice to see you.. Oliver." A woman said as she walked over. Olly looked up and saw Tsunade. He lowered his head and teared up. She was like a mother to him when he was here, of all people he didn't want to disappoint her.

"It's sad that we're here."

The elders stood. "The ruling is death." Olly smiled sadly. "Expected..." as they were about to take him out, the door flew open. Everyone looked and saw an out of breath Roxy.

"Roxy! You need to be in the hospital!" Tsunade

"Overrule that ruling! He- you can't." She said as she stood in front of him. He looked at her shocked. "What..."

"The Otsutsuki said that he killed and destroyed planets and villages besides the sand, leaf, and the ones we've accounted for. I found out... he's rehabilitated other villages against the will of the otsutsuki."

"Your proof?"

"They haven't asked us for help since he left! They're functioning well based on reports that my operative have sent me. He is not guilty of any crime that you may think he is." Roxy said, seriousness filling her voice.

An elder walked over to her. "And if we don't overturn the ruling."

"Then I will be your enemy as well." Her eyes glowed red. "Putting an innocent man to death instead of his family is a crime, and I highly doubt the village will trust such people if they find out about this." Roxy said. She was not backing down.

The head elder frowned but motioned for the guard to release him. They let him go quickly, Roxy broke his chains and pulled him up.

He looked at her surprised. She grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the building away from those people. "Roxy?" She didn't say a word as they walked.

She took him over to the garden by the hokage office. "Roxy, are you alright-"

She turned and kissed him. He stumbled but kissed her back. She teared up and looked at him. "Stop worrying about me.. come on. Don't you get tired asking me that question?"

He looked so surprised. "Um..." he cleared his throat and chuckled. "No, I don't get tired of that question." She chuckled as she walked over to a bench and sat down.

He was still standing there confused. She looked at him. "What are you so confused about?"

"Hm, I don't know, the girl of my dreams literally just kissed me and I don't know what to think of it?" She chuckled and just laughed. He listened to her laugh. He hadnt heard that in so long.

"You're so.. ugh. Come here and sit." He walked over and sat down next to her. He looked at her garden as they sat in silence.

"So... what do you plan to do now. You're free." She turned her head towards him. "Oh I don't plan on going anywhere." He chuckled.

"Don't wanna see the world?" He chuckled. "I did... but turns out I missed home more than anything." She raised a brow.

"You did?" He nodded as he sighed. "You were on my mind the entire time Roxy. For some reason, you don't like to leave me alone in my head." She just chuckled. "I could say the same about you."

He smiled faintly. He looked at the flowers. "I think I'm going to do this properly, for once." He stood and looked at her. "Now that I'm not a criminal..." he extended his hand to her.

"... would you like to get some dinner with me eventually?" She chuckled and took his hand and stood up.

"About time you ask me out on a date." She said as she messed up his hair.

"Eh, I was just waiting for the right time." She chuckled. "It's been about a decade olly."

He shrugged. "Better late than ever." She rolled her eyes and started to walk away. "I've got some work to do, you better impress me with this date."

He smiled and nodded. "I will! Don't worry!" She smiled softly and walked off.

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