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Olly was walking in the snow with about four people with him. He was the only one not covered head to toe in gear. He saw a destroyed village.

He walked over to a pillar and saw the heights of children etched into the pillar. He ran his hand over it and stopped when he saw a name.

"Oliver...." he said. He looked down slightly but quickly looked up and walked towards a cave towards the upper part of the village.

He had been feeling a yearning for something... for love, for family, for closure.

He lost all of that many years ago. He walked up the steps of the cave and walked in. It felt like a palace. Perfectly trimmed marble floors with the jagged walls of the cave.

"What am I looking for..." he held his head. He walked around aimlessly. The noise of his guards behind him annoyed him. He told Madara he didn't need any guards but the cursed Uchiha send them anyways.  Something was off about them.

As he stood there contemplating what to do, a statue of a leopard caught his attention. He walked over to it and placed his hand on it.

As he did he felt something cold pierce him. He stumbled back and felt another hit his back. He turned and saw his guards stabbing him.

Ollys eyes went blank and he fell. The guards sighed in relief. "Thank god... if he hit us we would've died." They started to walk outside of the cave.

"You really think you killed him?" A feminine voice said. They turned and didn't see Ollys body. They panicked and pulled out their weapons. A fog grew in the cave.

"You mere mortals have no idea who you were ordered to kill...." they panicked as they looked into the fog then.

One fell dead. Olly appeared next to the man. His eyes glowing white. "Dont touch my host." Olly had fangs and his hair was in his face. The wounds healed fairly quickly.

"Be afraid..." Ollys voice said. The guard froze and stood still. Olly smirked and sighed. He slammed him into the wall. Knocking the man out immediately.

"You truly are the heir of the Miyuki clan..."

Suddenly Ollys eyes went to normal and he collapsed. He winced and remembered he was stabbed. He felt and saw the wounds healed.

He breathed heavily as he walked out. He needed to get back to the village. He was pissed.

After getting back to the village. He was a mess. His shirt stained red and blood on his hands. Anger rushed through him.

Madara was in the Hokage office having a meeting with some of his high ranking officials.

"Make sure to take out the bas-" the door slammed open. Madara looked shocked when he saw Oliver breathing heavily and looking extremely pissed.

Madara dismissed everyone else and looked at him. "Did someone try to kill you?" Olly walked over to Madara and slammed him into the wall with ice. Madara winced and looked at him.

"Why the hell... are you trying to kill me?" Olly looked at him. His eyes glowing a slight blue. Madara melted the ice and punched him to the ground.

"Don't talk to me like that..." Olly winced and pushed himself back up. "Our deal is that if I go against you you'd kill me and then blow up the village... I have been only loyal to you." Olly stood up and glared.

Madara raised a brow and sensed another chakra inside of him. "What's this?" Be walked towards him. Olly was about to attack him but in a swift motion Olly couldn't see out of his left eye.

He fell to his knees and cried out as he gripped his eye. He cringed in pain and breathed heavily. Madara squatted down in front of him and grabbed his neck forcing Olly to look at him.

"You will continue to be loyal... until the day you die..." he shoved his head the side and proceeded to leave the room.

"You will lose this battle, Madara..."

Madara stopped and looked at him. "What makes you think that?" He raised a brow at the statement.

"Because Roxy is a powerful woman... she obtains the strongest teenagers on the planet. Be ready..." Olly looked at him holding his eye which was bloodied.

"She will rain hell on you."

Madara smirked. "Bring it."

Olly made his way to his apartment after getting his eye treated. He walked into his home and stumbled slightly to his bathroom. He was getting used to this.

He walked in and looked at himself. His hair had gotten so long. It had grown down to his shoulders and it started to turn pure white.

He sighed and moved his bandage from his eyes and saw the harsh gash that went across his face. His eye was a faint grey. He sighed and closed his eyes and walked out to his bedroom and laid down.

He closed his eyes and was about to try and sleep when suddenly he sensed a chakra signature. He sat up immediately and knew who it was right away.

His eyes widened. "Roxy..." he was about to leave when he heard the phone ring. He went over to it and answered. "Yes?"

"You know where to be. Get there." It was Madara. "Sir... I can't see well. And I can barely keep up if comba-"

"I don't care. Get over here. Be in your uniform and be ready. You're going to fight." Olly sighed and hung up.

He pulled on his uniform that was designed the best way for him to use his ice. He grabbed his katana and stepped out of his apartment.

He sighed and took a deep breath. He was going to prove to roxy that he wasn't the enemy here.

He just wanted her to understand and he wouldn't have his best friend as and enemy.

He was done with this.

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