Missing Piece

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Sasuke and itachis swords clashed. Sasukes eyes started to bleed as he pushed himself further to fight his brother.

Itachi took his cloak off and changed his grip on the sword. He stared at his little brother. He could feel himself slipping but itachi wasn't going to let that happen.

He rushed at Sasuke. Sasuke quickly recovered and clashed with Itachi. "You were my brother! I trusted you with my life then you go and kill our family!?" Sasuke kicked him away.

Itachi hit a tree hard and cried out. He leaned his head back and panted as he looked at the leaves above him. "I..." he suddenly coughed up blood and teared up feeling all the pain of all the responsibility he held.

He was the one to kill his clan.

To protect his brother

To protect the village

The child who was placed with the burden of adults.

"I-im... I'm sorry Sasuke..." he said barely breathing. He stumbled as he stood. He activated his Susano as it started to rain. He slowly stumbled towards his brother.

The fear in sasukes eyes grew as he stumbled against a wall. Cornered. Itachi looked at him and reached out to him.

Don't look at me like that.... Itachi thought to himself.
He stumbled in front of his brother, and poked his forehead gently. Sasukes eyes went wide. "I...I am proud of you Sasuke.... my eyes... a gift ... for you."

He exhausted man fell to his side. Sasuke caught him quickly. "Itachi! Hey! Stay with me!" Itachi stared blankly at his brother. His hand rose slowly and laid on sasukes head. Tears welled up in his eyes.

"I-I wish I could explain... just... just know I love you. My little brother...." Itachi smiled as his eyes closed. Sasukes eyes glazed over as itachis hands fell to his side.

Sasuke pulled his brother closer to him and cried in pain. He had missed his brother so much. He wanted him back, he wanted what he did to have something behind it. Sasuke felt a hand on his shoulder and saw an exhausted Kakashi look at him.

Kakashi winced as he kneeled down by him and hugged him tightly. Sasuke just cried, his tears becoming one with the rain that fell around him.

Kakashi picked Itachi up carefully and pulled sasuke up. "Let's head back to the village okay?" Sasuke nodded as he walked with him as dark thoughts filled his head.

Misaki ran down a dark hallway. He was following Sakuras chakra trail as he sprinted confidently down a pitch black darkness.

He came to a room, a training room that was quite large. He walked in and suddenly saw Sakura. She stared at him. "Who are you and why do you have the same last name as me... Misaki Haruno?"

Misaki stared back at her. The child who was a carbon copy of him. His child. "I'll let you think about that..." he didn't want confirm anything just in care Roxy didn't tell her yet.

Sakura nodded slightly and sighed. "Figures." Suddenly Misaki spun around and caught Madaras fist. The Uchiha smirked. "Let's fight Haruno!"

Green glowing stripes covered Misakis body as a smirk came across his face. "Let's go!" He punched Madara back, breaking the wall and launching him outside into the rain.

Misaki glance over where Sakura was and saw she was gone. Misaki walked outside as rain fell on him looked around for madara.

"You truly are a strong man...." the voice of pain echoed through the forest. Misaki looked around and frowned. Madara appeared in front of him and slammed him on the ground. Misaki winced and kicked his gut and punched him into the ground.

Madara winced and shot fire at his face. And caught him in a genjutsu. Misaki found himself in the genjutsu and looked around. His eyes widened and he went pale. He him kissing his wife goodbye. He stumbled towards the memory... "n-no..." he reached out towards himself.

"Go back to her!" He yelled out m, begging for this to be fixed. "GO BACK PLEASE!" He suddenly was watching himself die. He fell to his knees and gripped his head. Suddenly he saw the true ground. He had broken the genjutsu.

Madara chuckled. Misaki yelled and swung his fists. The shockwaves knocked down trees in whatever direction he swung. Madara smirked and dodged but was being extremely careful.

As Misaki was about to swing, pain appeared and stabbed him through the chest with the black poles. Misaki fell back and winced. Suddenly eight more were shot into him.

He fell to his knees as Madara walked over with a seal. He was about to place it on him with a kunai went right through the seal destroying it. Pain glanced over and saw Sasuke.

"Ah! The small Uchiha!" Sakuras eyes widened. She looked over and saw him. Their eyes met. Sakura felt tears well up in her eyes. "Sasuke..." her pink and black hair covering her face slightly.

"Leave him alone!" Sasuke yelled. Madara suddenly appeared in front of SAsuke and grabbed his neck. Pain pushed Kakashi and itachis body away from them.

Sasuke winced and activated chidori and hit Madara across the face forcing him to drop him. He looked at Sakura. She turned her head. His heart broke slightly but he rushed towards Itachi and Kakashi.

Misaki looked at Madara and smirked. He got up and swung, using all his might, striking Madaras back and breaking out. "I'll be back Madara!" Misaki disappeared.

Madara was recovering. "If I was alive... I would've died right here." Sakura looked down at her hands. She lowered then and sighed.
Sakura held her heart and looked at the direction he left.

She felt a connection to Misaki. She didn't understand her connected but she wanted to know more and learn mote about that mysterious pink haired man.

She suddenly had a funnny feeling about Roxy and held her head.

Something was missing to her

They were the answer

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