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Kaguya raised her hand and energy started to gather towards it. Olly went bijuu mode and ran with Roxy away from her towards the temple of the Miyuki clan.

The dodged attacks and snow flying up in the air. Olly rushed into the temple. He raised his hand and shot snow at every lantern, burning out the lights as they hid in the temple.

The temples glow changed to a dark blue. The two hid on opposites of the temple to try and surprise her. Kaguya walked in. She chuckled as she walked around. "Oh the memories of your family..."

"My naive sister thinking she could kill me. It was quite easy.... she screamed for mercy but she stopped moving after a few moments... it was quite..." she stopped and chuckled. "Refreshing."

Olly clenched his fists and stayed quiet. Roxys eyes glowed red as she watched from behind Kaguya. Roxy did some hand seals and placed her hand on the ground.

Suddenly, Kaguya stopped moving. She twitched and shrugged slightly. Olly shot ice through the ground and it came up and restrained her. Kaguya glared as power came from her. It broke the ice and send the possession back to roxy.

"Oh dear nephew... come out and maybe I'll spare the village and your 'family'..." she said those last words with poison and malice on the tip of her tongue. Olly crept in the darkness away from her. He had a kunai with ice growing on it.

Kaguya smirked as all the lanterns came on. She spun around and grabbed Olly by his neck and slammed him into the wall. He cried out as his markings glowed a bright blue.

Roxy quickly went and fought her. She kicked her across the face causing her to drop olly. Kaguya stumbled back as Roxy rushed her.

She punched the woman in the gut and slammed her to the ground. Roxy put her hands together as her eyes glowed red. "Possession Art: eternity." The demon rushed and possessed kaguya. She screamed in pain. But she smirked as she absorbed the power.

She blasted the power back at them. Olly flew back and so did Roxy. The two got up and rushed at her, now doing Taijutsu. Kaguya was blocking their every move. She laughed and made a dark pole come out of her hand.

Olly made clones and pulled Roxy back as Kaguya fought the clones. "How're we going to get close..." Roxy said in annoyance.

"I have no idea..." as they discussed a heavy weight came upon them. Gravity was pushing them
Down to the ground. Olly winced as the ground crack beneath him and Roxy.

"H-how the hell do you counter t-this!?" He yelled. Blood dripped from his mouth as Kaguya walked over. A smirk growing across her face. Roxy winced as she saw Olly crumble under the weight of the attack.

He was more susceptible towards her attacks despite being otsutsuki. The fact that he was a mixed Otsutsuki made things worse.

Roxy forced herself up. She winced as she shaking my out her hands together. She did hand seals and energy came off of her.

"I-I'm going to end this..." she said as she looked at Kaguya. Her eyes glowed red and her nails grew to be sharp. Kaguya raised a brow as she watched the transformation.

Roxy winced as she looked at her. Her hair grew Long and her eyes went dull. "Y-Youve hurt my village... daughter... and him. You're not longer under my mercies."

Kaguya laughed and made the gravity worse. Olly completely collapsed. "Come at me mortal!"

Roxy disappeared and appeared behind Kaguya. Kaguyas eyes widened as she barely dodged. She caught her arm and tossed her away.

Roxy recoiled and knocked the goddess down. Kaguya went through a portal and appeared up above. "What are you..."

Roxy chuckled and looked at her her. "I'm a demon basically... the living form of what's inside Olly and Naruto. Except mine bows to me." She pointed her finger at Kaguya.

"Demon Jutsu: Internal Flame." Kaguya stumbled back. She gripped her chest and glared at Roxy. The one downfall about roxys ability is that she loses her sense of humanity, and tends to overboard.

Kaguya opened portals that shot fire at her. Roxy dodged and pulled out her kunai. "Demon Jutsu: weapon possession." Her kunai launched at Kaguya as Roxy started to fighter her one on one.

Kaguya was struggling. She kicked her away, but she launched right back at her. Kaguya raised her hand and Roxy sensed the gravity get worse. "Continue fighting me, and I will kill him with one more level of gravity..."

Roxy frowned and jumped back. The gravity lessened. Olly was able to breathe. He coughed hard and looked at roxy who was in front of him. His eyes widened as he looked at her.

She glanced at him and then turned back towards Kaguya. "Olly... I'm going to need your help." Olly nodded as he stood up. His marks activated and he went into his bijuu mode.

Blue markings covered his body as he watched Kaguya. "We need to work together. Fire and Ice, light and dark... got it?"

"Got it. Whatever you need." She nodded and took a deep breath. She looked at Kaguya and her eyes changed once more.

Her eyes changed to a foxes but red. "We need to rush her." Olly nodded. The two in a blur of blue and red rushed her. The two started to fight her, not giving her a chance to respond.

Kaguya yelled and shot them back with a technique similar to that of the Hyuga. She panted, but quickly recovered as she felt ice climb but her arms.

Fire was rushing towards her. She opened a portal and dodged the attack.

Roxy and Olly were in front of her.  Before they could strike her with their abilites she shot poles at them. Roxy dodged but Olly got struck.

He fell and gripped his gut. He started to turn gray. But he was able to stop it and heal.

"I will... not lose." She stood and lifted her hand creating a bijuu bomb.

"I am... Kaguya Otsutsuki... goddess of all worlds."

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