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Tsunade sat in her office, contemplating whether to go through Roxys file. She tapped the desk and reached towards the file but stopped and sighed.
She gripped her fist and then grabbed the file and looked at it.

"Demon Kekai Genkai... in her early thirties... shinobi for Hidden Mist..." the Hokage sighed and rubbed her head as she turned the page. Family... She continued to read through.

"Father, deceased, mother... deceased, brother... deceased... daughter?" She looked at it as her eyes widened. "Alive..." she looked down the list and stopped at a familiar name. "Sakura..."

Sakura was the daughter of the notorious Akatsuki member. "It... it makes sense why she took her out of all the kids, and why theres stigma between the parents..." she pulled out Sakuras folder and looked at hers. It said her parents were the ones she lived with all her life. "Why did she give her up for adoption..."

She stood and crossed her arms as she looked out the window. "And why hasn't she told Sakura yet.."

"Mainly because she's hiding something." She turned and saw two men in an Akatsuki cloak. Her byakugou seal crawled across her face and body. "Where is Roxy?" Tsunade stood her ground. "I won't tell you anything."

Itachi activated his sharingan. Tsunade winced and fell to the ground. "Find Roxy Kisame..." Kisame started to walk away. Itachi grabbed his arm. "Be careful..." Kisame looked at him and nodded and ran off.

Itachi walked over to the woman's desk and picked up Roxy and Sakuras file. He raised a brow in surprise. "Ah... I see. That's why she's so attached to the kid." He placed the files down as she scanned the office for anything else.

The files read....


Has no remaining family except for one child.
Child: Sakura ( Haruno )
Child Status; adopted by married couple.

Roxy wandered around the village with Sakura. She was nibbling on some mochi. The guards had caught up with them, out of breath of course. Sakura looked at roxy.

"What did my Mom not want you to tell me?" Roxy looked at her and sighed as she patted her head. "I'll never tell you." She teased. Sakura pouted. "Ah shannaro.." she whined. As they walked ahead, a man landed in front of them. The two immediately stopped.

"Yooo... Roxy." Roxy got in front of Sakura quickly. "Kisame..." he smiled. "Hey! Just wanted to come pick you up and take you back to base of course."
Roxy glared and her eyes glowed. "I am not returning! I denounce the Aka-"

"Before you finish that sentence..." he lifted up her and Sakuras files. Roxys eyes went wide. Kisame smirked faintly. "We know, Roxy. So, before you go denouncing the Akatsuki, think about what will be released and, and! Think about who else will be at risk." Roxy looked at Sakura. She closed her eyes tightly.

"Sakura.... I am giving you a choice." Sakura looked at her mom. Roxy rubbed her cheek and looked at her sadly. "I will be going back to the Akatsuki... you don't have to come this ti-"

"I'm going with you." Roxys eyes widened. "W-what?" Sakura smiled faintly and held her hand. "You're the only adult who's defended me and increased my confidence, ability, strength.... You're the only person I felt who's treated me like a daughter. I'm going with you." Roxy looked at her shocked and then hugged her tightly. "Alright."

Sakura looked at the anbu. She ran at them and punched the ground causing them to fall into a hole. Itachi appeared and handed them their cloaks. "Welcome back." But This Time, Itachi gave Sakura an official ring. Sakura looked at him surprised. "You're officially apart of the Akatsuki." Sakura nodded and put the ring on. They pulled their cloaks on.

Sasuke and Naruto were sitting in Oliver's room waiting for when Sakura was coming back. "She said she'd be back..." Naruto said as he twiddled his thumbs. He was worried. Sasuke looked nervous as well as he bounced his leg. Oliver sighed. "You Guys... calm down. They'll be-"

"Sasuke! Naruto!" Kakashi said as he ran in panting. The boys stood up quickly. "What is it!?"

Kakashi looked at them panicked. "Roxy and Sakura are back at the Akatsuki! A-and Sakura is an official member now!" The Boys went pale. Sasuke looked down and clenched his fists. "She said she'd stay!" Naruto looked at him worried. "Sasuke?..."

Sasuke activated sharingan and raced out of the room quickly. "Sasuke!" Naruto called after him. Sasuke continued to run to the gate, he wasn't losing her again. He had looked for her for a long time, then when she's finally back....

He panted as she got to the gate. Guards were knocked out all on the ground. He looked over and saw Sakura. "Sakura!" She stopped and looked over at him. He walked towards her slightly. "Please don't go... not again..." he teared up

Her eyes widened as she looked at him tearing up. Don't cry.... were the only words going through her mind when she looked at him. "She's apart of the Akatsuki..." he looked at her. She walked towards him, and took his hand. "I'm sorry... I'm going with my mom."

He gripped her hand. " you guys can stay here.. in the village and he heroes..." she smiled faintly. "I'm sorry." He looked down. He wasn't going to put up a fight. She walked back towards her mom. They all disappeared.

Sasuke watched her go and wiped his eyes as he heard naruto and Kakashi arrive. "Sasuke!" The raven shoved past the blonde boy and the older man. "Did you talk to her?!" He didn't answer, but he had put something in her pocket. Sasuke went home and took his shoes off and looked at the empty compound.

He went to his room and looked at the team seven picture and sighed. "Why... why can't we be a team again..." he laid down on his bed, and went to sleep.

Sakura Of the Akatsuki Where stories live. Discover now