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Sasuke walked through a portal into a cold, winter world. His hair was long, and he wore a long black cloak.

He walked through and stopped when he sensed chakra. It was familiar. Sasuke frowned and started to walk into a rock building.

It resembled a temple. He looked around as he walked in.

The building had a feeling of malice. It was suffocating.

The moment he took a step he clashed with another sword and jumped back. "Uchiha brat..."

"Kinshiki..."'he said. The two clashed and started to fight. Sasuke started to assess why he was here on a useless planet.

Kinshiki kicked Sasuke through the rock wall And out into an open area covered in snow. Sasuke saw Kinshiki about to strike him. Quickly he activated his rinnegan and switched places with the statue behind him right as kinshiki struck the ground.


Sasuke panted slightly until he sensed that chakra again.

"Yuuki- Sama, what do you want me to do." This was Ollys alias when dealing with enemies.

Olly jumped down and walked towards Sasuke. "My my... you truly have gotten older. Sasuke..." the ravens eyes widened slightly.

"You.... you're alive..."

Olly chuckled. "It's rumored I died? Hm... I should probably changed that." He looked at the Uchiha. "Sorry about your loss... I heard he died shortly after I left."

Sasuke backed up and kept his distance. Olly sighed. "Tell Roxy I said hi." His marks glowed as he smirked.

He rushed at Sasuke and started to fight him. He was faster than Sasuke had remembered. Olly
Formed an ice katana in his hand and clashed with Sasukes.

"Tell her, I'll see her soon as well." Olly kicked Sasuke and activated his bijuu power. He was about to punch Sasuke into the ground but he teleported away.

"Hm... dang." Olly said as he deactivated his power. The snow started to pick up. "Let's head to earth. I'm starting to miss it."

Sasuke fell through his portal into Konoha. "Ow..." he winced and stood up. He suddenly remember everything, and that encounter with Olly.

He started to walk to roxys office. He knew she wasn't going to like this at all.

Eventually he got there. He knocked on the door and entered cautiously. Thankfully, Sakura was there.
"Hun!" She walked over and kissed his cheek.

He smiled softly and walked with her back over
To her mother's desk. "Nice to see you back, Sasuke. Anything to report?"

He glanced at Sakura. She nodded and walked out promptly. Roxy sat back and looked at him. "Well..."

He sighed and sat down. "Oliver. He's still alive." Roxy was quiet but chuckled. "Yeah... no. We lost track of his chakra trail, and being silent for 13 years probably means he died."

"I fought him. He's stronger... much stronger. He told me to tell you 'see you soon'." Roxy expression changed slightly. Worry clouded her mind in that instant. "He's alive..."

"And he's working with the Otsutsuki... he goes by Yuuki." Her eyes widened at that. She thought back to her and gaaras conversation.

"At least he didn't become the villain..."

She nodded and sighed. "I'll have the village prepare. I need a moment." He nodded and walked out. She stared at the door but then opened her desk and pulled out a photo of the two of them.

"You can't be the bad guy..." she sighed and put it away. She stood and looked out the window. She sensed him.


Sasuke walked out but was quickly tackled by Sakura. "Hello, Husband!" Sasuke chuckled and hugged her. "Hello, wife."

She looked at him. "You look beat up." He sighed tiredly. "I am beat up. I got beat up by a guy who's like three times bigger than me." She sighed.

"Let's get you home and patched up." He nodded with a slight smile.

She took him home and had him sit down. She lifted up his shirt and started to heal his chest. "You need to be careful okay..." He nodded. "I tried to."

"I know." She chuckled softly. He looked at her and carefully lifted his hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. She blushed faintly.

"There... you should be healed now." She said as she moved her hand and lowered his shirt. She sat next to him and looked at him.

He rubbed her cheek and kissed her. She kissed him back and blushed a bit. She gripped his cloak when suddenly the door opened. "I'm home!" Sarada said. Sakura quickly stood up. "Hi sweetie. Your fathers home." She cleared her throat and walked to the kitchen.

Sasuke chuckled and waved at Sarada who was walking over to him.

"How was your mission papa?" Sarada said as she sat down. "It was fine... got a bit bruised but overall, great."

She nodded. "Are you going to be at the chuunin exams next week?" Sasuke nodded. "Of course I will be."

"Good." She smiled as she messed up his hair. He chuckled.

Sakura watched them but had a worried expression on her face. Something felt like it was off but she pushed it to the back of her mind.

Olly walked out of the portal and looked around and took a deep breath. "Ah Konoha... you're not ready to see what's coming."

Kaguya, momoshiki, kinshiki, and urashiki came out behind Him. He was here to take down the heirarchy. Sadly, he didn't know who was on this said hierarchy.

The one person he cared for.

And the one person who cared for him.

Sakura Of the Akatsuki Where stories live. Discover now