Break Down

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The pink haired girl was excited. She had a little letter in her hand that was in the shape of a heart. She was very excited due to the fact that she was going to be confessing to her crush, or who she considered the love over life.

"Kyaaa!! I'm so excited!" The young girl had a skip in her step and a bright smile on her face. She noticed a small little Dango shop and decided to get some. As she went in, she saw the familiar faces of Ino, Tenten, and Temari. She walked over. "Hey guys! How's everything?" Ino waves slightly and smiled. "Pretty good! Just waiting for our Dango to come out so we can go under the flower tree to eat." The pinkette nodded.

"I woulddd join you but I'm up to something." She waved the letter she held dearly in front of herself. Ino raised a brow. "Are you going to confess to someone?" Sakura nodded quickly. "I'm gonna confess to Sasuke-kun!" Ino Just looked at her and forced a smile. "I wish you luck!" As she said that, the dango arrived at their table. The girls waved goodbye to Sakura and left the restaurant.

Sakura looked at her letter and blushed to herself. "I hope he accepts it." She jumped up and walked out. As she did, the sun was setting and a warm glow came across the village. It put her in an amazing mood. She smiled and continued to walk.

After walking about a bit she saw Ino, Tenten, and Temari sitting under a tree. She was about to say something when she heard them talking.

"Oh my gosh... Sakura is just in love with that Uchiha boy. Why can't she just give up, like she does with everything else she does..." Tenten said as she ate some Dango. Sakuras eyes widened. She darted behind a wall and stayed quiet.

Ino groaned. "I know right... don't get me started on her jsut cutting her hair in battle. It did nothing for her or her team. Woo hoo! She got a hair cut. Big deal." Sakura looked down. Temari chuckled. "She practically nothing. She's just deadweight that Naruto and Sasuke  have to carry around for every mission." The Girls laughed.

Sakura looked at the ground. She was shaking slightly as she listened to them. The ground got blurry as she looked at it. She was starting to cry. She wiped her eyes quickly but it didn't matter, more tears began to fall. "I-I thought we were friends." She said quietly to herself.
She immediately thought back to when they were smiling at her in the restaurant, she teared up more and ran home.

When she ran inside she started to cry. Her mom rushed over to her. "Sakura! What wrong?" She wipes her tears. Sakura hiccuped, "A-all my friends think t-that I'm nothing! They said that I'm dead weight to Sasuke and Naruto! T-that's Not true!" Sakura expected her mother to side with her, but....

"Well, you are basically a dead weight. You aren't meant to be great. You're apart of the Haruno Clan, you won't amount to much..." Sakura couldn't believe what her own mother was saying to her.

"Y-you Dont think I'll become a great shinobi? Or a strong one?" Her mother looked down nervously. "That's right." She shoved her mother off and ran to her room crying. "Sakura!" She slammed the door.

Sakura laid face first on her bed. She was angry. No one believed that she could be someone... no one believed she could be strong. She gripped her blankets in anger. She jumped up and grabbed her bag and started to fill it up with clothes and things she needed. She pulled a coat on and pulled her bag onto her back.

She looked at her door and then looked out the window and jumped down. She was intending to leave. She walked down the village road. Her eyes red from crying. She didn't know what to think. What did everyone else think of her? What else did her family think of her? What did her own teammates think of her?

She just gripped the letter in her hand, the letter she wanted to give Sasuke. "H-he probably thinks I'm nothing too...." As she said that, she heard Inos voice. She hid behind another wall. Ino was with Temari and Tenten still.

"Ugh, guys, I still have that damn pinkie in my head. Guess is till can't believe how worthless she is. She doesn't deserve to be on a team with such strong boys. She made basically the damsel in distress."

The little girl sank to the ground and held her head. She continued to cry. All at once it felt like all the voices of the village were echoing through her mind saying

"You're nothing."
"Stop trying to hard"
"You're Just from an average clan"
"She doesn't deserve it"

She cried. "H-how do I prove them wrong!?"

"You come with me."

Sakura looked up and her eyes widened. "A-akatsuki...." she said quietly. It was a woman with long dark hair and glowing eyes. Sakura covered her head in fear she was going to be killed. The woman squatted down in front of her and lifted her chin up and wiped her tears.

"Why are you crying?" She asked. Sakura looked at her sadly. "E-everyone is calling me weak, nothing, worthless.... even though I'm trying so hard to be stronger! I really am! Everyone ignores my progress and say I'll be nothing." Sakura didn't understand why she was poring her heart out to her. She hadn't been able to do that in awhile.

The woman looked at her. "I know how you feel child. I was in your situation when I was your age. If you come with me, you will never be looked down upon by these people. They will realize how strong you are when you're no longer on their side. I can sense you have amazing chakra control.... are you intelligent?" Sakura nodded slightly. The woman smile softly and helped her stand up and dusted her off and straightened up her jacket.

"Come with me, and I will make you the strongest woman in the world." Sakuras eyes widened. "A-aren't you going to kill me..." the woman chuckled. "Oh no... I want to help you."

"I-I don't even know your name lady..." Sakura said. As she looked at her. "My name is Roxanne, but you can call me Roxy."  Sakura smiled softly. "My name is Sakura, and you can call me Sakura."

Roxy smiled softly and extended her hand to her. "Do you want to Join me?" Sakura looked at her hand. She reached forward but hesitated slightly. But she mustered up the courage and helped her hand.

"Yes.... yes I'll go with you." Roxy smiled softly and nodded.

"Let's Go."

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