Before The Party

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The next day, Sakura sat up and looked at the time and saw it was 5:00 in the morning.

Slowly she sat up and rubbed her neck. It was her birthday. A day she had grown to not care too much about, that's simply how she was now.

She pulled a sweater on as she heard the front door close. She closed her eyes and sensed that her mother had just left. "Ah... probably a mission." She said as she yawned faintly.

The sound of birds echoed outside her window as the sun started to rise. She smiled slightly and walked downstairs to get some breakfast. "I hope today is fun..." she said as she started to brew some tea.

Roxy was wrapped up in her jacket. It was a bit chilly in the morning in Konoha but that didn't bother her. She was heading over to Ollys. She felt like she needed to check on him, and she needed his help.

She walked up the steps and was about to knock, but she stopped when she saw the door slightly open, and frost all over the door. She frowned and pushed the door open slightly. "Olly?"

She walked in. As she did, the sound of ice cracking under her feet echoed in the room. She got worried. "Olly?" She walked down to his room and saw the ice was worse.

She quickly did hand signs and heated up the door and opened it carefully. He was on the bed covered in frost and wasn't moving. "Olly..." she ran out and called Misaki.


"Hun! Get over to Ollys! Something is wrong with him!"

"I'll be there in 5." She hung up and ran back over to his room and rolled him over onto his back. His bijuu marks were all over his body. She held his hand. "Don't worry... misaki will be here soon." She said trying not to sound panicked.

Soon, Misaki rushed in. "What's wrong..."

"His bijuu marks are all over and he's not breathing over moving!" Roxy said as she heated up her hand and started to try and warm him. "Medical isn't not forte!" She said.

Misaki placed his ear agaisnt his chest. "He has no heartbeat." Misaki put his hands together and his markings glowed green.

Misaki did a type of CPR that healed him and that would get his heart going. Misaki did chest compressions and then gave him a breath.

"Come on Olly. You got this..." Misaki did that four more times and suddenly he woke up. All of the ice in the house melted.

Olly breathed heavily and gripped his blanket. "I- what happened." He said as he panicked. He looked around and saw Misaki and Roxy.

"We were wondering if you could tell us that, Olly."

Olly sat up and held his head. "Im... not sure. I think I fell too deep into my memories." Misaki raised a brow. "What memories?"

"I don't want to talk about it..." he quickly said. Misaki nodded as he wrapped a blanket around him. Olly looked at him. "You don't have to tell me... stay warm okay?" Olly nodded as he held the blanket.

Misaki stood up. "My job here is done. Have a good day you two." He waved an walked out. Roxy quickly walked over to him. "Are you okay?"

Olly nodded. "Yeah... just been overworking myself... that's all." She sighed. She immediately knew he was lying but nodded anyways. "Do you feel up to planning a party today?"

Olly chuckled. "Of course I do. Just lemme get changed and I'll meet you outside in a few." She nodded and walked out. Immediately, she went to the kitchen to brew him some coffee. This worried her but she didn't want to worry him more. He would tell her to wait after the party to find out what's wrong.

He came down in a hoodie and long pants. He had his hands shoved into them. She handed him a cup carefully. He held the cup and stayed quiet.

"Olly... what happened?" Roxy asked him calmly. He sipped his coffee and rubbed his neck. "A nightmare... can we worry about me after Sakuras Birthday? I don't want to be the topic of conversation."

Roxy clenched her fists slightly and nodded. "Of course." She smiled softly. He nodded and sipped some more coffee.

"So, where do you want to set up?" He asked her. She thought and smiled softly. "The park near here. There's a lot of Sakura flowers blooming over there."

Olly smiled and stood up straight. "Then you go set up, I'll call everyone on where to be." She nodded with a determined smile. She pulled her coat on and walked past him. "Thank you!"

He nodded and grabbed the phone and started to dial numbers.

She ran out to go find Itachi who said he'd bake a cake.

She made her way to the Uchiha complex and walked in. "Itachi?" She said as she looked around. "In here!" He said excitedly.

She walked in and saw a beautiful pink and white cake with flowers on it. "Well, what do you think?" He asked. He was was very proud of his work.

Roxy smiled and hugged him. "Thank you! It's gorgeous!" She said with excitement clear in her voice. Itachi smiled and patted her head. "Good. I can carry it if you'd like?"

She nodded as she checked that off her list. "So, Kakashi has the balloons, Olly has the guest list, you got the cake, everyone's bringing gifts. I think we're set!"

Itachi nodded as he put the cake in a box carefully. "I think she is going to truly enjoy this birthday."

Roxy smiled slightly and nodded in agreement. "Agreed for sure. I just want it cute and simple for her. Like she always says she wants it."

Itachi pulled his coat on and and nodded as he let his hair out.

"Good. Lead the way?"

She smiled. "You bet."

Sakura Of the Akatsuki Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora