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Sakura sat outside on top of the base with her legs crossed and hands at her sides.

Her eyes closed as she breathed slowly in and out. The girl focused chakra into her forehead and throughout her body. At the age of 16, a feat such as this is not highly known. Sakura had grown to become a strong medic, fighter, and intelligence personal in the Akatsuki. Her name was know as the Cherry Blossom of the Akatsuki.

As she focused her chakra. She opened her eyes and turned her head quickly.

"Boo." Sakura squealed and jumped up in surprise. Her mother laughed at the reaction. "Still adore able as ever!" She said as she sat down next to her. Sakrua pouted. 

"You interrupted my extremely important training so that I can refill my byakugou seal." Roxy nodded with a chuckle. "Ah yes. Keep working hard kiddo."
Sakura nodded and gathered herself and got back into her stance.

It was quiet, the sounds of the birds and the wind moving through the leaves relaxed the mind of the young pink haired girl. Roxy sighed, "I forgot to mention we have a mission."

Sakura opened her eyes and looked at roxy in a slight annoyance. Roxy chuckled. "I'll treat you to dango?" Sakuras eyes lightened up immediately as she nodded. "Yes!" Roxy smiled at the sight of her happy child and stood. "Alright, let's go get geared up."

Roxy walked into the mission room to get her actual mission. She didn't know what it was, just that she needed to go on one to get out of the dumb compound.

When she walked in, the door shut and was locked. She frowned as her eyes glowed yellow. Pain looked at her. He was recovered at this point and held a grudge. "what's my mission... pain." She said as she crossed her arms.

He slide a tan colored folder her direction. "Since we can't get that shinobi to join us, this will be an assassination instead." Her yellow eyes looked at him suspiciously as she opened the folder. Her eyes moved down and looked at the target.

"No.... I can't kill him. Not Oliver...." Pain sat down. "You can't? Then I might as well kill your daughter. I've done it before, haven't I ?" Roxy gripped then folder. Her daughter was of the utmost importance. Her grip loosened and she looked down.

She didn't want to do this..

She couldn't risk Sakuras life...

She didn't want to risk the life of someone so important to her.

"Fine... where is he at?" She muttered. Pain smirked. "He's coming down from the mountains, he will be alone. Therefore, this will be easy." Roxy nodded and started to walk out. "Also... don't take the kid with you."

She shot a look at him. "I don't want the image of her mother to be tainted by such an evil task." Roxy Just turned and walked out.

Roxy walked into her and Sakuras room. Sakura looked at her. "I'm ready to-" Roxy looked at Sakura, not saying word. The young girl groaned and plopped onto the bed. "I'll stay here and wait oh so patiently." Roxy walked over and poked her head. "I'll bring you dango if I can!" She waved and ran out.

The poor woman started to think about why of all missions she had to do this. She sighed as she Ren towards the mountains, her eyes glowing and a kunai in hand. She enjoyed the fact that she got to see Olly again but not that fact that she had to take his life.

Hours go by as she runs up into the Rocky terrain. She masked her chakra to be able to get near him with out him sensing something. She climbed up a part of a ridge and hid as he was walking by. He was walking. He took his head band off and sat down tiredly.

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