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Tsunade rushed at him started hand to hand combat. Somehow, Olly was able to keep up with her despite having only one arm to fight.

He grabbed her wrist and froze it, along with her hand. He yanked her arm forward and slammed her onto the ground. She turned over and grabbed his leg slamming him into the wall.

He yelled and barely dodged her fist. It landed right by his head. He was breathing heavily. Tsunade grabbed him by his neck and lifted him up. He strained to breath.

"L-lady Tsunade...." he gripped her wrist. He didn't want to die because the village will be destroyed if he didn't succeed. His shoulder was no good, he could barely breathe.

She threw him at his house. He hit it hard and leaned forward. He looked as if he was done. She walked over and punched him into his house causing it to crumble on top of him.

Tsunade moved the rubble to find him. "Where are yo-" suddenly she was stabbed and was slammed onto the ground by getting hit on the head. She fell unresponsive.

Olly watched her fall to the ground. He took all his gear off and put on his civilian clothes on. He took a deep breath and hid his gear in a safe compartment in his home and made it seem like he got caught under the rubble.

Everything hurt as he laid under the rubble. He teared up and closed his eyes. He hated his life. But right now, he needed to fake it.

"Help!" He cried out. He truly wanted help, he needed someone to vent to. He just needs someone.

"Olly!" Two familiar voices said. He turned his head slightly and saw Roxy and Sakura running towards him.

"Roxy...." he mumbled. The person he wants to be by his side. But, he's afraid of getting too close. Roxy came over to him and pushed a pillar off of him. She teared up and pulled him out.

He groaned in pain. He guessed his leg got hurt when Tsunade threw him into the wall. "Sweetie, heal olly..." she held his head and looked at him.

Olly felt like a horrible man. But... it was to keep everyone in the village alive and plus... he didn't kill her. All he did was hit her hard enough to put her in a coma. He couldn't bring himself to kill her.

Sakura turned her head and her eyes widened. "Tsunade sama!" She ran over to the Hokage who was on the ground breathing but not moving. Sakura teared up and flagged down more medics.

They rushed over and took Tsunade to the hospital as fast as they could. Roxy pulled Olly out completely and laid him on his back carefully. Sakura healed him while starting to tear up.

Olly put his hand on her head and breathed slowly. "It'll be okay..."

After about an hour, Olly was healed and was taken to a hotel since he persisted to her that he didn't want to be a bother at her home. "Olly... are you sure you should be here alone? I'm worried." Roxy said with annoyance in her voice.

He chuckled as he looked at her. "I'll be okay Roxy. I promise." He smiled. She sighed and nodded. He caught a glimpse of his neck and saw new hand marks. "Well... get some rest okay?"

He nodded and closed the door slowly. Roxy walked down the hall. She had a bad feeling in her gut. "Something is off with him... I don't know what it is but, something is off."

Olly was able to pack a bag to bring with him, so he pulled his gear on. He winced and stretched his shoulders and arms as he pulled on the armor. Ollys warm aura that Roxy loves was gone at this point.

He felt tired.



He just didn't want to exist anymore. He closed his eyes as he pulled his mask on. This was the only thing besides Tsunade that could fully identify him as the murderer.

He opened the window and jumped out.

Roxy was with the intelligence squadron looking through statements and evidence. "Saw run away from scene... fought hard, like trained professional. Fought with ice..."

What am I missing-

Fought with Ice. Her eyes widened. There are only two people known that can use ice release and that was Haku and... Oliver.

"Haku... is dead... right?" She asked shikamaru. He nodded. She clenched her fists and paced the room. Why is Olly doing this!? Being an assassin!?

"I'll be right ba-"

A woman rushed in. "G-Gaara is in the hospital! He was escorted here for better treatment." She shoved past them and went to Ollys hotel room.

She pounded on the door, waiting for him to answer the door. He opened it and looked at her. "Roxy? What's up?" She stormed in and shut the door behind her.

"What the heck are you involved in?" He raised a brow. She frowned and threw a kunai at him and quickly discovered he was a clone. She stormed out and called the anbu to her side. "Ma'am?! What's wrong?"

"We're going to get the assassin..."

Olly winced and fell on his knees when he got to the hideout. He was still in pain but he went in Anyways. Madara looked at him slightly. "Is it done?"

Olly nodded.

Madara sighed and nodded. "Perfect." He took his cloak off and grabbed his weapon. "Well... it's time for me to make an appearance." He walked out into the moonlight and suddenly lost control of his body. He turned and saw Roxy.

"Ah..." with ease he repelled the demon out and smirked faintly. "So this is her..." Olly walked out next to him. "Yes...."

Roxys eyes widened. "Y-you... YOU'RE CONTROLLING HIM! LET HIM GO!" Olly looked at her. "I'm not under anyone's control Roxy." Her eyes widened. "No.."

"I killed the Raikage, the Hokage, and the Kazekage..." roxys eyes glowed. "Why did you have such a change of heart after almost dying for the

He looked at her.

"Cause I've found a better cause."

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