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Roxy came back a bit later with a basket of edible plants she found in the woods.

To her surprise all the kids were all asleep by the fire. Sakura was cozied up next to Sasuke, who was holding her as if he would lose her again.

Naruto was holding Gaara as he rested. Shikamaru and Ino were asleep together. Itachi was limping around the room slightly, covering them in blankets.

"Thanks itachi." She said as she pulled out a pot quietly. She filled it with water carefully. "No problem." He said as he glanced over at her.

"Are you okay my friend?" He asked in such a worried tone. She placed the pot down, and continued to face away from him. She gripped the table causing it to crack slightly.

"No... no I'm not okay. My best friend and someone I considered to bring into my life just betrayed me... of all people. The one person I was willing to open up and let them see a side of me that rarely anyone sees just took all of that and just threw it away..." She looked down and stared into the pot.

Itachi walked over and placed a hand on her back. "I'm sure there was a reason, Roxy." She teared up faintly and nodded. Itachi Smiled tiredly. "Want a hug?"

Roxy looked at him annoyed. "What's up with you and hugs..." he just chuckled. "It's a good way to heal."

She turned her head and started to cook. He didn't move and just smiled faintly. She groaned and just hugged him. "How do you know what I want?" He hugged her and rubbed her back. "Cause I'm your friend."

She chuckled and nodded. "Very true." She pulled from the hug and looked at him. She noticed he was tired. "Come on, you need rest."

She helped over to an area she quickly fashioned into a makeshift mattress and helped him lay down. She covered him in a blanket and then poked his forehead.

"Get some rest." He nodded and turned over. "Thank you, Roxy."

"You're welcome buddy."

She went over to the pot and started to prepare the vegetables she found and placed them in the pot.

She found her thoughts roaming to Olly. She sighed and took the pot over to the fire, carefully tiptoeing over the maze of kids to get to the fire.

She placed the pot there and sat back. She closed her eyes and sighed.

"Olly... there better be a good reason why you did this..." she said as she stirred the stew. She thought of him and how he almost kissed her.

She really hoped he didn't do this out of hatred.

Why didn't Madara kill her on the spot?

Why was Olly even cooperating with him?

Was he protecting something?

She sighed and laid down and stared at the ceiling.
"I miss him already... damn it."

Olly walked into the Hokages office with Madara. He hated this. He didn't want to be this vile mans right hand man. He never wanted to be in this position.

"Now... isn't this a lovely office." Madara said as he sat down. Olly clenched his fists slightly.

"Yes... yes it is." He turned to leave.

"Where do you think your going?" Madara said. Olly looked at him from the corner of his eye. "Leaving the room."

Madara stood and walked over to him. "I don't want this rude behavior from you." His sharingan was activated but Olly didn't flinch at the sight.

"Yeah. Show off that sharingan. So scary..." Olly said sarcastically. He was in no mood to be bothered. Madara frowned and walked back over to his desk.

"Beware olly... double cross me. You will die."

Olly stared at the door blankly and nodded.


He left the room and walked down the hall. He suddenly started to pick up the speed when he suddenly came to and sprinted out of the building.

He stumbled out into the rain and gripped his hair. He teared up and sank down onto his knees. He basically lead the people of the village to their deaths. Eventually, he stood and ran to his apartment ( it was repaired now ).

He opened the door and walked into his cold, empty, blank home. He teared up and leaned against the door. "I don't want to do this anymore..."

He fell Down onto the ground as he leaned against the door. He closed his eyes and just yelled out in anger. Ice crawled all around him and up against the wall. He brought his legs to his chest and hid his head.

Memories came flooding back to him.

The painful memories of his childhood and family. The memories of losing his family, losing his friends, losing Roxy.

It was all too much.

He curled up and gripped his head and teared up.

He closed his eyes tight, like a child being scared by a dog or fireworks. He breathed quickly. The only person who made these thoughts go away was the one person he betrayed.

Images of his clan came back to his mind. The white snow covering his home. The image of his mother dress in white attire picking snow berries. His father smiling and starting a fire.

The image relaxed him he opened his eyes and looked at the ice around him. He leaned his head back. He thought of his family. The people he hadn't thought of in years since their deaths.

He sighed and stood. He quickly started to take off his gear and pull on his comfortable clothing. Slowly, he made his way to the kitchen and started to boil some tea.

This is the start of a new era under Edo Tensei Madara. He knew that the shinobi would eventually win, but how long will it be? The

Carefully, he grabbed a tea cup and placed it on the counter as the water started to boil.

As long as the shinobi would be able to take Madara out of the game everything will be back to Normal." He walked over to the window and stared at the rain.

"They'll be back soon... I know it."

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