Double Sided

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Olly put on a mask and put a katana on his back. He lifted his hand and said a series of words and teleported to the outside of the village.

He sighed in relief when no one saw him. He ran down the road in the rain.

Olly didn't want to be spotted by his ninjutsu since he was one of the only people alive who could use it.  He continued to run for miles, this wasn't fun for him but he needed to get where he needed to be quickly.

The person he was going to meet was particularly picky and serious about time.

After running for a few miles he came to the rendezvous point for him and his employer. He took his mask off as he walked in. It was a cave.

He went in and reached into his bag pulling out a few files. He walked to the very back of the cave.

"Do you have what I need?" A voice that could spark fear in anyone echoed through the cave. "Yes... yes I do." He Handed the files to the man in the dark.

There was a moment of silence. "Perfect... good job. This is what I needed. The files of The Leaders ." The man stood and walked into the light.

"Remember this is for them and the village right?" Olly looked at him.

This was to protect her and them.

So that they would have a long safe life.

And so they wouldn't be assassinated and killed by this man.

"Yes... yes Madara." Madara nodded and looked through the files. He tossed a file at him. "This is who I need you to assassinate tonight."

He caught the file and opened it. His eyes widened. "Raikage!?" He looked at the Uchiha in shock. "I- how am I supposed to kill him? He's so fast!"

Madara walked over to him and put a kunai at his neck. "If you can't do this I might as well kill you now." Olly froze his kunai.

"No need... it'll be done tonight." He put his mask on and turned. "You can use your ability as long as it's guaranteed that whoever you run into is dead." Olly nodded and ran out.

Now you might be wondering. Can Olly handle missions like this? Well, let's just say he worked for the Anbu root for the hidden mist... and let's just say, assassinations and missions like this are his forte.

After running almost all night he made it to the Hidden Cloud. He sighed in relief as he stopped outside the village.

He walked in and knocked out a guard. He then picked up the speed a bit as he jumped onto a roof. He avoid some nin.

He looked over in the distance and saw the Raikages office. He need to get whole village in the dark so he could move freely. The rain picked up a bit as hid on the roof. He did hand signs and shot a electrical pulse through the ground making its way to the power plant there.

All of a sudden, the plant exploded and the village went dark. His eyes glowed blue through his mask as he jumped off the roof. He stabbed a guard and hid the body.

He ran towards the Raikages office through all the chaos. Just like he was trained, he knocked out the guards at the door and took out three more in the building. He ran up the stairs and walked slowly to the Raikages office.

He entered the office in the darkness and saw the Raikage. He was still sitting at his desk. Olly frowned and spun around clashing with the Raikage who tried to trick him.

"You're a smart assassin! But you won't make it out alive!" Olly winced and electrocuted him. Raikage laughed. "Can't beat me at my own game boy!" He punched Olly out the window.

Olly landed on his back. "Agh!" He quickly dodged as the Raikage struck the ground next to his head. He jumped up and grabbed the kages leg and froze it.

The Raikage spun and broke it but Olly caught his fist and froze it. Olly electric charged his fist and punched his chest.

While his fist made contact he switched abilities and froze his chest. He pulled out his katana and swung at his neck but it was blocked by a kunai.

Olly jumped back and suddenly noticed the Kage was gone. His eyes widened. His head turned and he saw the Raikage behind him.

Before he could react he was punched and slammed into the ground. He cried out and panted. He laid there breathing hard as his head and nose started to bleed. His mask was cracked.

"Now... let's see who's under this mask." The raikage removed the mask. His eyes widened. "You're from the—"

The Raikages eyes widened. Blood dropped from his mouth. Olly had stabbed him with Ice multiple times to ensure his death. Olly melted the ice and kicked him off of him. He fixed his mask with ice and placed it back on his face.

"It was nice seeing you sir." He disappeared. The Raikage fell back off the building, dead.

Olly rushed out of the village. He manipulates the air to make a fog. He ran back to where Madara was. His heart and mind were racing. He felt like he was dying.

He stumbled and gripped his chest. He breathed heavily and teared up. He didn't want to kill people. He pulled himself and just ran.

After hours he made it to the hideout. He walked over to Madara. Madara looked at him, he was surprised he was alive.

The Uchiha chuckled. "Go get some rest."

Olly lifted his hands and teleported home.

Back home. Empty and cold. He teared up and covered his face. He winced when he touched his head.

Quickly, he went into the bathroom and washed off the blood and wrapped his forehead with gauze. He leaned against the sink and looked down.

Here we go

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