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Roxy looked at him. "Why are you doing this?" He looked at her and sighed slightly as he went to take the other off her arm.

"Answer me Olly."

He looked at her. "Roxy... it's been 12 years. I accomplished that goal a long time ago...."

"Clearly you haven't cause I'm still here, right in front of you. So Olly... what is your true goal? You worked for a corrupted government in the hidden mist. Did that stop you? No,, you went to Konoha. You changed places to strike change. Since when do you wipe people out?"

He looked down. "What do you think my motives are?" He looked at her slightly. "You wanted a family, which was taken from you at a young age. Which I understand from another perspective... Olly, I understand if you want to stay with the Otsutsuki... but they're violent."

Olly turned his head forward and looked down again.

"It's either you're oblivious, truly don't know , or you just don't want it to happen." He turned fully towards her.

"I don't want to start or have a family with just some random girl... I want someone who cares for me... a strong woman who can take care of herself, doesn't need me to protect her..."

Roxy looked at him. "I'm not oblivious." He chuckled as he walked towards his window. "You're not? Huh... we'll see about that." He started to walk over. He shot ice at her forcing her to stop. He didn't hit her of course.

She knew where he was taking this. She stood there and looked at him. "Did you ever notice?" He glanced at her.

She clenched her fists and nodded. "Yes... I always did. I just didn't want to give you a damaged person to be in love with. I wanted to fix myself first." Olly looked out the window blankly.

The ice melted as Roxy walked over to him. "Roxy...I don't think we would work now..."

"And why do you think that?"

"I've been the bad guy for 12 years Roxy, I've done things that I am not proud of. I've killed leaders and hierarchy's." Roxy nodded slightly.

"Can I ask you a question ...." He looked at her.

"I told You the same thing and yet you were still there... weren't you?" He was surprised by that. He sighed and nodded.

"And Olly... have the nightmares gone away yet?" He looked even more surprised by that. "No... how do yo-"

"I know because you look tired, and you don't trust your family that you're with right now. Why is that?" She held his hand.

He squeezed her hand and teared up. "It was them... who took my family. The Otsutsuki clan was afraid of my family... they were worried about their potential... my mother.. she became the bijuu and tried to kill Kaguya but Kaguya wiped out the village in one swoop. Heh... but lucky me... I was playing in the woods."

"W-why do you stay here then!?" She said shocked. He chuckled and wiped his eyes. "They're my only blood family... I was hoping being with them the nightmares would go away... but! They got worse."

Roxy looked at him. "Olly... come home. Konoha can make sure that they not get away with this."

Olly shrugged. "That sounds wonderful, but I'm a convict... a criminal, and guy who's gone and wiped out governme-"

"So have I Olly! SO HAVE I AND LOOK NOW!" She was tearing up. "I'm the damn Hokage now!"

"No matter how many dang times you turn your back on the village or me, I will always, ALWAYS! Welcome you back home with open arms. Always! You were the first person to come back for me, and to be there for me when Misaki died, now it's my turn."

Ollys eyes welled up with tears.

"If your falling, I'll catch you. If you're sad, I'll bring you happiness, if you're angered, I'll bring you peace. I will be there for you. You just need to give me the chance to be there, just like I need to give you the chance to be there for me." She held his cheek.

Olly looked down as he started to tear up more. "Please... Olly?"

He nodded slightly. She truly was his weakness... but it was a good weakness.

She kissed his cheek. He turned his head and looked at her. "Thank you." She nodded and kissed him gently. He held her hand slightly

"You're welcome." She said as she broke the kiss. He smiled tiredly.

Before he could say anything else there was a blast at the door. Kaguya walked in, her eyes filled with rage, and her eyes wide. Roxy stood in front of Olly defensively.

"Move woman!" Kaguya yelled. Roxy didn't move. "I know you're pissed at him, but I'm the one who made him switch. If you wanna beat the crap out of anyone." She suddenly punched her through the wall outside of the room.

"You need to beat me down." Kaguya raised a brow. "Beat you? Well that's true, but I want him dead and you dead. But clearly we are not battling it out here."

Suddenly a portal opened up behind them. She shoved them in it. Both of them fell down trees and then landed on the snow. Both of them groaned. "Ugh..." Olly said.

Roxy winced and pulled herself up and shivered cause of the snow. "Where are we?" She mumbled as she held her head. Olly groaned as he sat up and looked around. "Oh come on...."

He saw his village. "This is the Miyuki village... my home." He looked at he village and saw Kaguya walking towards them.

"I intend to finish this in five minutes... I can't have the trio making their way up here too soon." Roxys eyes glowed and Ollys markings glowed. Kaguya sighed. "My dear nephew..."

She sighed. "So much wasted potential.... too bad your anguish took over, but it will help me beat you."

"Good luck." Roxy said

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