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Roxy stayed under that street light and looked down. She covered her face and teared up.

She knew exactly what he was going through... she couldn't stand this. She lost track of his chakra as he left.

"Why does this keep happening..." she said as she walked back home. She held his headband in her hand as she made her way back.

What could she of said that could've kept him from leaving?

Anything. She realized.

He needed someone, and in that critical moment, he made a small gesture that showed he didn't want to do this. The way he looked at her.

She recalled the empty eyes staring back at her. She thought back to how he rubbed her cheek. She was the only thing holding him back.

"No..." she said as she came to her house. All the cues... the staying back. Watching her from afar. Yes, they had kissed, but he had always watched and left her alone.

He was waiting.

She was that piece he needed. To be whole again.

She held her head realizing this. He needed her, he really needed her. She teared up realizing what just happened and everything in the past.

But she couldn't support someone who was posing as a threat to the village

"O-Olly..." she walked in and leaned against the door.

The next morning. Sakura walked downstairs stretching and yawning. She started to make her way to kitchen when she saw her mother asleep on the couch.

She walked over and sat down in front of her. She tucked her mother's hair behind her ear and noticed the redness under her eyes and tear stains. "Mom?"

Roxy woke up slightly and looked at Sakura. She jumped up and wiped her face. "Sorry! I must've had a nightmare." Sakura noted that her mother franticness was not a normal trait that she had.

"Mom... are you okay?" Roxy lowered her hand as Sakura asked her. Roxy looked at her and showed her Olly's headband. Sakuras eyes widened.

"What happened..." she said as she walked over. Roxy looked at it and sniffles slightly. "He's... he's tired. Of everything..."

Sakura sighed and hugged her mother. "We will get him back. I promise." Roxy hugged her back and nodded.

Roxy was so worried that this will end badly.

Olly walked into the mountains and walked to the temple where he saw Kaguya. She turned and looked at him. "What do you want child..." Olly pulled out a kunai.

"A wager." He dropped it. She turned and looked at him. "A wager?" She asked as he nodded. "What for?"

He watched her. "To see who will run the Otsutsuki." She looked at him like he was crazy. "You will lose..." Olly chuckled. "Maybe... can you fight in your base form?"

She nodded. Olly nodded and tossed her a kunai. "We fight... in our weakest forms. Who ever is the winner, is the new head of the Otsutsuki. If you're so confident, there should be no problem beating me.. right?"

Kaguy smirked and raised her kunai. "Fine... prove to me boy."

Olly smirked and rushed her. The two clashed. His hit were harder and harsher. He didn't have anything holding him back... he was fueled by his anger and sadness. It made him stronger.

Kaguya kicked him but he punched her at the same time. The two flew back. She winced and rubbed her jaw. He stood up.

"What happened to you?" She said in annoyance. He chuckled. "I finally realized what needs to be done."

He appeared in front of her and kicked her gut, and punched her to the ground. In her base form she was weaker than him. He knew this. She winced.

"Now... ms. Kaguya.... who's the new head?" She shoved him and looked at him. "You. My nephew." He nodded. "Yes..."

"What are your orders?" She asked him. He looked down over the valley and saw Konoha in the distance. "Nothing for now... but I would love to meet my family."

Sakura walked with Roxy to the hokages office. Both in their gear. Roxys eyes had the smallest hint of sadness. They walked in, interrupting a meeting with the other kages.

Tsunade frowned. "There better be a good reason for this." Roxy handed her Olly' s headband. "Olly has left the village... he's rouge." Tsunade gripped the headband and nodded. "Understood..."

Roxy put a note on Tsunades desk and left with Sakura.

Sasuke and Itachi were at Roxy and Sakuras house waiting for them. The news spread like wildfire. Sasuke walked over to the two as Itachi watched.

The two hugged Sasuke tightly. Itachi sighed softly and suddenly coughed into his hand. He glanced at it and saw blood. He frowned slightly but wiped it away.

"Roxy!" He said as she walked over to him and hugged him. Itachi hugged her tight and sighed. "I know... t-things will get better."

"You're weaker..." she said changing the subject. He looked at her and sighed. "Yes... I'm sick again. It's worse than last time. This time I won't make it."

Roxy looked down and nodded. He held her hand. "But I will be here for you as long as I can."

Things truly changed....

Things are changing too fast...

Olly is gone.

Misaki is gone.

Itachi is going to leave.

"I can't handle this anymore, Itachi..." she said As she looked at him. "I'm losing everyone... I can't lose you... not you too." He squeezed her hand.

"I'm sorry." He hugged her again.

Change was coming to Konoha again. The secrets and skeletons were coming to light in Konoha.

Things are changing.

And no one was ready for it.

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