Different Experiences

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Olly winced and looked at her. He pulled himself out of the wall. He was shocked by the strength she had by just waving her hand. He wiped the blood from his mouth as he watched her.

Her light purple eyes changed into the byakugan. "It was nice meeting you boy.... "

Suddenly she disappeared. Olly frowned. He activated his bijuu marks and forced Luna to come out.

He glared at her and she did the same. "What do you want Olly..." She flinched at feeling the rage building up inside of him. "Tell me."

Luna sighed. There was no point in hiding it from him at this point. "A certain village thought that... the Yuuki/ Otsutsuki clan was a threat due to it being related to the Otsutsuki clan, so... they wiped them out, just like the Uchiha."

She said as she turned. Olly looked at her shocked. "You're joking..." Luna lowered her head. "I don't joke when it comes to things relating to the clan." Olly stumbled back and gripped his chest.


The village he had called his home. The village he had discovered his new family. He lowered his arm. Luna turned towards him and felt something in his shift. "Olly..."

"Who gave the order?" He said.


"Who gave the order..." he said looking at her. She lowered her head and sighed. "The village higher ups." He nodded. He waved his hand  and she disappeared.

"You know... I'm tired of being used, lied to, manipulated, and hurt in so many ways." He looked at temple. "This clan will come back, one way or another."

He turned and looked at Konoha below the village. "I think retribution is in order." He walked out into the snow and walked back down the mountain. He wasn't in his normal mind anymore.

This information that was given to him. Truly hurt him. He lost his family due to power. When the village talks about peace, and working together.

They wipe out clans. The Uchiha... and the Yuuki. But when you try to get back at them for doing this, they say your overreacting.

Olly knew that Sasuke would've gone rouge when he had the chance. What they did to him.... was wrong on many levels.

Oliver made it back to the village and went to roxys house. He knocked on the door slightly and stood outside, with his hands shoved in his pockets.

The door opened slowly, showing a half awake Roxy. She raised a brow when she saw him. "Why are you up so early..." she mumbled.

He looked at her. "Can I talk with you..." she felt that this was serious. She pulled on her coat and walked out. "What's wrong?"

He walked with her. "I found out who killed my clan..." he blurted out unexpectedly. she stopped and looked at him. "You did?" He nodded. "Guess who."

She thought. She thought it could've been the Akatsuki or another organization. "The Akatsuki?"

He shook his head and looked at the hokages office. Her eyes went wide. She stood under the street light. The look of shock covered her face. "You're kidding."

Olly shook his head as he stood in between the light and dark. "They do this when they feel threatened. The Uchiha and my clan were powerful clans that they decided they couldn't compromise with anymore. And look what they do? They kill them off. They stay up on their high horses looking down at the people who don't fully support them. They need to know how that feels."

Roxy shook her head. "Olly... revenge won't work. It'll only paint you as the bad gu-"

"What if I don't mind being the bad guy so that the truth gets out? The Leaf can't keep getting away with this! You know you'd be saying the same thing in my situation!" He said.

She clenched her fists. "Violence isn't the answer for everything."

Olly chuckled and held his head. "So killing Pain wasn't the answer to avenge your husband or your daughter?" Her eyes widened. She didn't know how to answer this..

"Those are different situations..."

"Hm, are they? ... both lost someone important and want to get back at the murderers to make them know how it feels?" His eyes darkened. "How is that any different?"

She didn't say anything for a moment. The eerie silence, and the malice in the air was so thick, Roxy felt like she was going to suffocate.. "Don't do this."

Olly looked at her. "You've gone through the same thing as me... got your vengeance and you are telling me not to do the same. I'm tired of being manipulated by people stronger than me, used by people who say they care for me, and lied to by the organization I trust."

She grabbed his arm in a quick motion. "The moment you do this you will become the bad guy and everyone will be out to get you. The moment your the enemy of the leaf, you'll always be the enemy of the leaf."

He looked at her. "Even you?"

Her eyes widened as he said that. She locked eyes with him and recognized this pain, but she had to protect this village and Sakura. She squeezed his arm.

"Please don't make me answer that..."

Olly turned and rubbed her cheek with his thumb. "I will repeat it again...." she looked down, dreading the question that would be asked.

"Even you... even you will be my enemy?" She looked up. "Yes... anyone who poses a threat to my daughter, and village will be my enemy." She continued to look at him. He pulled his arm away from her and stepped back into the darkness, away from the light.

He looked at her. "Alright..." he took off his headband and looked at it. He handed it to her. "Here... I don't need it." She held it carefully and looked at him.

"Bye... Roxy."

He was leaving... again.

Instead of against his will... it was on his own accord.

He was now against the village...

He was now a dangerous man... on a mission to wipe out the heirarchy and establish a new order under the Otsutsuki.

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