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* about a week after bday party *

"Olly! Be back on time!" A woman said as a younger boy with blonde hair ran out. "Got it!" He waved and ran off into the wood with his bow and arrow.

Hours passed. He came home late and sensed a bloodlust filled in his village. His eyes widened as he walked in and saw the blood stained snow. He stumbled back and gripped his hair.


With a jolt, Olly sat up quickly, panting and breathing quickly. Ice surrounded him, and covered his room. He held his head in his hands. "Luna!"

He turned and looked at her in his mind. "What's going on!? What happened to them!?" He stared at his bijuu. She turned her head.

"Obviously, they were killed, but who!?" She didn't respond. Olly teared up in anger. "Just tell me! I need to know!"

Luna turned around. "I will not. Get out." Suddenly he appeared back in his room. He stared outside the window. "Fine then..." he got up and pulled on his gear and ran to where he had gotten his powers.

He was tired of not knowing.

After running and running. He made it to his old village. Skeletons scattered around. He didn't notice this last time. He walked through the snow and came up to where he used to live. He saw dried blood there. He turned his head slightly as he left the building.

"Luna... please." She didn't respond. He sighed and walked up to her temple. He carefully walked in and looked around. He winced and held his head.

Luna growled. "You need to get out of here. I told you not to search, and yet you are." Olly winced and gripped his hair. "Cause I need answers Luna!" He took control of her power, causing her to go silent.

He sighed in relief and walked over to a statue. He he looked at the statue and recognized the woman. "Kaguya Otsutsuki..." he frowned.

Luna was fighting him once he recognized the statue. He raised his hand to touch it. Luna fought harder and harder against him.

He winced as he fought her. "L-Luna! Stop!" He growled. She broke free.

"Olly! You can't! This isn't anything you need to kno-"

"WHY IS THAT!?" He yelled at her. She froze and lowered her head. "Cause it'll cause you pain.

Olly chuckled tiredly and looked at the statue. "I'm already in pain." He touched the statue.

"Olly! Our leader is here!" Young Olly looked up with a smile. He ran outside and saw the leaders of their clans. They had pale skin and white hair. They also had light purple eyes.

"It's rare that they come here, isn't it mama?" He was the chiefs son. The pride and joy of the village. His mother nodded. "Yes it is. Maybe they've selected our village?" She said as she picked him up.

A woman with long white hair walked over to them. "Ma'am. I am Kaguya Otsutsuki. The head of the Main Otsutsuki clan." His mother bowed.

"It is an honor." Olly looked at the woman. Kaguya looked at the young boy. "Is the chief here?"

Ollys mother nodded. "Yes, he's in the headquarters building."Kaguya nodded and walked by with her entourage.

The young boy watched that woman's every step. "She's pretty." The mother chuckled. "I know, now, go play."  He nodded and ran off.

Kaguya walked into the chief office. "Chieftain Yuuki." His father looked at her. "Madam Kaguya."

He got up quickly and bowed. "How May I be of service?" She sat down and raised her hand. The image of Luna appeared. "I need a vessel for this creature." The chieftain looked surprised.

"A bijuu?" She nodded. "This creature will die soon if I don't have a vessel soon. And I can't risk it dying. Since your wife is Otsutsuki... I was considering your son or wife."

The chieftain thought to himself for a moment and sighed. "My wife. I can't have my son die if the transfer doesn't work with him." Kaguya nodded. "We start this tonight."

The chieftain nodded and walked out.

Olly was grabbing his bow and arrows and put them on his back. "Be safe sweetie! Come back on time!"

He nodded and ran off into the woods.

Hours went by and he came back, but a bit late. He roamed around and heard screaming and yelling.


Luna disconnected him. He fell to his knees breathing heavily as ice was starting to cover his arms.

His markings glowed as he fell the ground. "M-my mother was Otsutsuki... that explains my hair..." he held his head.

"It stopped where it always does..." Luna sighed. "It's because you've blocked out what happens next so much that you yourself don't remember, but your subconscious does..."

Did Olly want to know the truth... did he want to know his relationship with the Otsutsuki... or how he got Luna.

Luna sighed. "I think that's enough. I will not permit you to-" she suddenly froze and suddenly became quiet.

"Who's this..." another feminine voice said. Olly turned quickly and saw a familiar woman. He froze. "Kaguya..."

She made her way over to him. "The chieftains son... my nephew." Her eyes widened. "The alive..."

Olly took a step back as his marks glowed. "Get away from me..." he frowned.

She sighed. And raised her hand. "Please don't be afraid. I just simply sensed your longing soul and wanted to help."

He raised his hands. "You won't be able to help me..."

"What is your question, Oliver."

He lowered his head. "Who killed my family?"

She chuckled. "An interesting question indeed. I believe it is best if I don't answer right at this moment."

Olly took a step back and his marks grew. "Tell me."

She tilted her head. "Heh... no." He rushed at her but in a swift motion, he was in the opposing wall. He coughed up blood and winced.

Kaguya gaze darkened. "I'm too busy to deal with a fake otsutsuki like you."

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