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Roxy woke up early the next morning. She stumbled over to her bathroom and flickered on the light. She glanced at herself in the mirror and looked at the white streak that went through her hair.

"Hm.... interesting." She braided her hair back and got into her civilian clothes.

She walked out and looked at the calendar and stopped. "March..." her eyes widened. "It's her birthday this month..." she quickly pulled on her coat and shoes and rushed out of the house.

She went to Ollys so he could help her. She walked down the paths and came up in front of his house. she knocked on the door quite quickly. "Olly!"

There was a slight commotion inside as she stood outside. The door opened and there he was. "Hi..." he said tiredly. "What's up?" He looked at her and smirked. "You look cute in your dress and hair back."

Roxy turned red. "Don't get used to it! I barely dress like this. I just felt like trying something different."

"Ah huh." He said as he adjusted his sling. "So what's up?" Roxy smiled and got excited thinking about it. "It's Sakuras birthday!" He smiled softly.

"And you want me to help you?" She nodded. He nodded slightly and motioned her inside. "Let me get dressed okay!" He said as he walked upstairs.

She looked around the room, noticing that there wasn't any pictures and that it was semi empty. She frowned slightly as she saw a bunch of folders at the coffee table, but she looked away when Olly walked over wearing sweats and a t-shirt. "Alrighty, lead the way."

She smiled and walked out with him. "I need to go see Misaki if he'd like to come with us. His chakra is fading so I know he's going to leave once and for all." She said. Olly looked at her slightly as she said that. He knew that she was going to miss him, but he knew he would be right here with her for that.

They arrived at the hospital and Misaki was in his temporary office looking through files. He was fading slightly but he ignored it. Roxy knocked on the door slightly before entering. "Hey!"

Misaki looked up. "Roxy!" He walked over and kissed her head. "How are you?"

"I'm good!" She smiled. "Today's Sakuras birthday." Misaki nodded. "I learned that recently. Can I help with her birthday?"

"Of course you can! You're her father." Misaki nodded. He sighed slightly. "You know It's going to be hard for me to last to her birthday... I'm losing chakra."

Roxy sighed softly and nodded. "I know. It's how things go." She said as she sat down.

Misaki nodded slightly as he sensed disappointment in her voice. To change the subject he cleared his throat and looked at her. "so, how are things going with Oliver?"

Roxy looked surprised by that. "Oh.. everything's going alright. It's kinda awkward having my husband ask me if I'm getting along with a guy."

Misaki chuckled slightly. "Just making sure things are in order this time." Roxy glanced at him slightly.

"This time?"

"Just making sure your happy before I go." She clenched her fists slightly and nodded. "Thanks..."

He noticed her clenching her fists. He walked over to her and held her hand. "I'm sure we will meet again one day... in another time. Right?" She looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah... definitely." A soft smile came across his face. That familiar smile she fell in love with. He kissed her cheek. "Now, you need to go focus on our daughter and not so much on me. Alright?"

"I will. See you later!" She waved slightly and walked out, meeting Olly out in the hallway. Misaki winced and gripped his chest. He was feeling weaker ever since Madara was taken out.

He leaned forward against his desk and took deep breathes. "I have to make it to her birthday..."

Sakura was walking around with Naruto and Sasuke smiling, having the time of her life. It had been awhile since the three of them had time together.

Sasuke held her hand as Naruto was ranting about getting some good ramen for the first time in awhile.
Sakura smiled softly watching everyone be lively.

Sasuke smiling slightly, but also scolding Naruto for being so loud. Naruto jumping around being his normal hyper self. She was home.

As she walked with them, she saw Kakashi waiting at the ramen shop. She hadn't seen him in so long. His hair was short now and his age started to show under his eyes.

He looked up and saw the three of them. His eyes widened slightly as he looked over. The boys walked over to him immediately. Sakura stayed where she was. Out of the three, she hasn't seen him in the longest time.

Kakashi briefly acknowledged the boys, but directed his attention to Sakura. She teared up slightly and clenched her fists, she was nervous.

"Sakura...." he said looking at her. She missed him. She really did. "S-sensei." He teared up and removed his mask. "Come here kiddo."

She teared up even more and ran over to him, hugging him tightly. He hugged her tightly. "I-I'm sorry for being a horrible teacher. I-I promise I'll protect you from now and I won't let anyone hurt you again. I promise."

She nodded and hid her head.

Sasuke smiled faintly looking at the two of them.

Things were coming together.

Like the good ole times.

The Uchiha closed his eyes with satisfaction. The team was back. This family was back.

They were all back together once again.

Authors Note:

HEY GUYS! Sorry for the long hiatus. I needed a break. Finally, I've worked out the next part of the story and I have a time skip in plan after Sakuras birthday and some other fluff before we get into the next generation!

Thank you guys for everything, for reading this story and being my motivation to keep this story alive. I truly appreciate it.

Get ready for some more amazing story line and some tear jerking situations!

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