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Olly took his shirt off and walked out of the bathroom. He saw his scars in the mirror and touched them slightly. He looked down and held himself.

Those scars... we're something he was never proud of. When he was in the root, all of his scars were from assassinations and missions where he had to throw away his humanity. Some of them, were from his associates. The ones that were meant to kill were Madara...

He never told Roxy he was apart of the ROOT. She would've lost it. She vowed never to be apart of them cause the cruel missions. But, somehow he found himself there.

He sank to his knees and held his head. The flashbacks of all his missions rushing at him. He teared up. Suddenly someone knocked at the door.
He stood up and took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Roxy." She looked at him and noticed the head injury immediately. "You good?" She asked curiously. "Um.. yeah I'm good."

She raised a brow. "Here are the mission information for the task force agaisnt Madara." She handed him a file. He held it and opened it.

He glanced at her and noticed she had bags under he eyes. "Did you get sleep at all last night?" He asked. She shook her head. "No..." She sighed. "The Raikage was assassinated last night..."

He nodded slightly, acting as if he didn't do it at all. "That's... horrible. Any idea who?" She shrugged and shook her head. He sighed and nodded slightly.

"Well, I'm sure they'll catch whoever did it." She looked at him and noticed the bruises on his neck. She touched them slightly. "From Pain?" Olly nodded slightly .

"Yeah... well. I'm gonna go get some more rest. I'm not feeling well today." Roxy nodded and poked his head. "Alright. Get some rest." He nodded and blew a kiss at her as he closed the door.

Roxy smiled but the moment the door closed she frowned. She walked down the steps and made her way to the Hokages office. She wondered why he still had bruises on his neck when he was hospitalized a few days ago.

That evening Olly pulled his gear on. He started towards the front door when suddenly someone knocked. He froze and quickly grabbed a robe and pulled it on.

He opened the door and saw Roxy. He looked tired. "It's almost midnight Roxy..." he mumbled rubbing his eyes. She sighed slightly. "Yeah... I know. How did you get strangled?"

He looked at her and raised a brow. He averted his eyes. "Pain..."

"Olly. Pain tried to Kill you almost five days ago. Those bruises wouldn't still be there. Now, how did you actually get strangled.

He looked at her and lowered his eyes. "Fine... I was walking and I got mugged. The guy grabbed me and strangled me. I got him off of me but he ran off..." he lied. Roxy looked at him and nodded.

"Alright. I believe you. Sorry to bother you so late, see you later." She smiled and left. Olly watched her leave as he closed the door.

He grabbed his katana and his mask and put them on. He waited about 30 minutes and then left and went back to rendezvous with Madara.

He got to Madaras hideout and walked in. "I'm here sir." Madara looked at him. "Good job on the Raikage assassination. It was most impressive." Olly frowned. And looked down clenching his jaw and fists.

"You thought that was impressive.... killing and INNOCENT MAN!?" He ripped his mask off. His anger obvious on is face. "I don't want to kill
Innocent! This is why you're a monst-" suddenly he was slammed into a wall.

His head starting to bleed again. Olly glared at Madara. "Keep talking about me, and your girlfriend and village will be blown to pieces." Olly closed his mouth but didn't break eye contact. "N-not my girlfriend..."

"Since you want to be a little pain..." he handed him a folder. Olly grabbed it and opened it. His eyes widened.

"Tsunade Senju..." he looked at madara shocked and felt a panic run through him.

"I can't!" Madara smirked and walked over to him. "You will... do you I have to beat some sense into you?" He put his hand around his neck and stared him down.

"Do I?" Madara smirked. Olly shoved him away. "No.. no you don't." He grabbed his mask. "I'll be back in an hour." He disappeared.

Olly made his onto a roof and stayed low. He placed his hands on the roof and did the same. He blew up the power plant. Everyone rushed over.

He rushed through the darkness and chaos towards the office. He stabbed and killed four guards as he entered. He rushed up the steps and crawled up onto the ceiling.

The door to the office opened and Tsunade was being escorted. "Damn..." he whispered to himself. Sparks glowed on his hand. He shocked the guards around her and dropped down in front of Tsunade.

She looked at him. "This will be the biggest mistake you ever make." He raised his fists. "Trust me... I know." Her eyes widened in shock. "Ol-"

He kicked her across the face and shot lightning through the ground.

She yelled as she got shocked. She stumbled and looked at him. Her byakugou seal activated. Before he could react he was punched through the walls and hit a building outside. He kept his mask on.

He stood up and took a pained breath. His rib was broken... and his shoulder was dislocated.

He stood and saw her come out of the rubble. "You came here for a fight." She walked out slowly, her black marks covering her arms and neck. The fire of the leaf in her eyes ablaze.

"You won't win the battle... as long as I'm alive, you won't destroy this village."

Olly frowned.

"As long as your alive, this village will be destroyed soon."

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