Side Effects

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It was a few days before the exams. It was nighttime in Konoha and she finally finished her work and the security detail for the exams.

Shikamaru came in tiredly. "All done. We can head home now." She stood in relief and sighed. "About time... have a good evening Shikamaru."

He nodded. "You too." He waved and walked out. She pulled her cloak on and walked outside into the crisp night air. She took a deep breath and sighed softly. "Finally..."

She walked down the market place. Looking at all the people buying food and laughing. She smiled softly watching them all. She recalled the times her and Olly would take the kids out here to get all the food they want.

The memories came back. She sighed and stopped, she really missed him. The only guy besides her husband that truly cared for her. All she did was jsut keep on walking. Suddenly, stopped again. She sensed different chakra signatures that she didn't recognize.

She turned quickly trying to locate where these signatures were coming from. She walked back the way she came and looked around. Her eyes glowing with her ability activated. She held a kunai as she looked around.

Suddenly she dodged a kunai and a weapon that was being swung at her. She moved quickly and sensed the signatures suddenly disappeared. She put her kunai away. She frowned and turned and continued walking the way she was earlier.

"Somethings going to happen at those exams..." she mumbled tiredly.

Eventually she made it to her home. She held the doorknob but stopped trying to open the door. She frowned and walked back down the steps and started to walk to Sakuras house. She sensed people nearby and didn't want to risk it.

She soon made it to her daughter home and knocked on the door. She was really tired. The door opened and she was greeted by a black haired girl. "Baby girl!" Roxy opened her arms.

Sarada hugged Roxy tightly. "Grandma! It's so nice to see you!"Roxy hugged her and picked her up. "Hey kiddo!" She kissed her head.

"Ah grandma! I'm 12! I don't need to picked up." She chuckled. Roxy smirked. "You may be twelve but I still see you as a 2 year old!" Sarada pouted as Sasuke and Sakura walked over. "Mom! Everything okay?"

Roxy sighed and put Sarada down. "I was wondering if I could stay the night." Sakura looked concern and nodded. "Of course mom." Sasuke ushered Sarada up to her room to tuck her in.

Sakura walked over to her mom. "What's wrong?"
Roxy sighed and looked at her. "I just need some company. I'm still not used to you being moved out."

Sakura nodded and took her to the guest room and started to set up the room. "Thank yo-"

Sakura suddenly hugged Roxy tightly and kept her close. Roxy was surprised but hugged her back and hid her head. "I know the feeling mom... don't forget I'm here okay?" Roxy nodded and chuckled lightly.

"Isn't it my job to be giving encouragement?" Sakura pulled from the hug chuckling.

"Yeah yeah. Now, madam Hokage. You get some rest. You have a very big tomorrow, and we get to see naruto tomorrow." Roxy nodded and kissed the diamond on Sakuras head. "Alright. You get some rest too okay?"

Sakura nodded and waved as she walked out. Roxy looked around the room and felt much better than when she was alone. She got dressed and let her hair down.

"Hm... who knew I would be asking my daughter to stay at her place." She chuckled softly and turned off the light and gazed out the window and looked at the moon. She sighed softly and laid down and sighed.

"I thought I would be fine being alone..."

Olly was walking around his temporary residence, getting ready for tomorrow. He sat down on his bed and sighed softly as he made ice cover his hand.

He thought back to when he was in the village as a Sensei. He looked down and rubbed his neck tiredly. All he wanted to do is as to go back to roxy, but he needed to do what he needed to do.

There was a knock at his door as he rubbed his neck. "Come in..."

Kaguya sighed. "Olly... you look exhausted." She walked over with tea. He chuckled tiredly. "Nah... I'm not tired, just kinda dead."

She nodded as she handed him the arm mug.
He held it carefully as he thought about the past. "Well... I hope you won't be too tired for tomorrow. You do know this will be your first offense against the leaf."

He gripped his cup slightly. "Don't remind me,
I know." He was mainly after the hierarchy but that's all he needed, especially the ones involved.

Kaguya sighed and messed up his hair and got up. "Good night Olly." She walked out and closed the door. He placed his mug down and just laid down and looked at the empty spot in his bed.

"I never did well alone..."

Despite being alone all his life, he never liked being alone.

The nightmares had continued but he had grown used to them, despite them hurting him so much. That means there was more that he didn't know.

Oh he hated not knowing.

"Luna..." he said as he appeared in front of her. She was behind a gate like Kurama. She growled. "What..."

The two had been on bad terms for a long time now. He looked at her blankly. He stood up and put his hand against the gate. "This gate will be gone tomorrow okay."

Her blue eyes glowed. "Interesting..." he nodded. ".... yeah..."

Lunas eyes softened. "Are you okay..." he chuckled slightly.

"No... no not at all. Things just suck..."

Despite the beast hating him at the moment, she walked over to him and lowered herself. "Sir... you need to rest."

He nodded slightly.

"I'm always right here, Olly."

He smiled sadly. "I know."

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