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"How was your trip?" Dad asked, cutting the potatoes and putting them into a bowl. "I had fun." I said, plopping down in a chair. "Isaac isn't staying here today?" He asked and I shook my head. "No, he has to train today, possibly for hours." I explained and Dad nodded. "Doesn't he get hurt, boxing sound pretty intense."

"It's intense, but he knows how to take care of himself, I do, too, now." I said and Dad grinned. "Oh, I believe you."

"Oh, shut up, Dad."

"I'm home!" Sam shouted, closing the front door behind her. "How's Parker?"  Dad asked her and she looked at him as she walked into the kitchen. "He had this teeny tiny question about something," She started and Dad raised his eyebrows. "What now?"

"He asked me if I could go on vacation with him, for easter break." She said, opening the cabinet to take a glass. "Did he now?" Dad asked and Sam rolled her eyes at him. "Can I go?"

"To where?"


"Nope, you're out of your mind." Dad said, shaking his head furiously. "But Willow could go-"

"That was an hour away, France is a whole other country." Dad said, putting water onto the stove now.


"Samantha, you're only sixteen, why don't you guys go to Savannah as well?" Dad asked and Sam rolled her eyes. "Maybe when you're older, just not now." Dad said, putting the potatoes into the boiling water. "I don't wanna hear any protests, you know why?"

"Are you seriously still going about yesterday?" Sam asked and he glared at her. "You should be glad I even let you go to his house after I found you sneaking out of the house yesterday."

"Willow used to do it all the time," Sam exclaimed and Dad shrugged. "I never caught her guess you should just be better at it." Sam groaned, leaving the kitchen. "You're no fun."

"I know, I'm old, don't blame me." He said, shaking his head at his youngest daughter. "To France? Can you believe it?" He asked, turning his head to me, but I just shrugged. "You wouldn't let her go, would you?" He asked and I laughed. "I'm not her parent, no need to ask me."

"Will wouldn't let her go either, I'm sure of it." Dad said and I sighed. "Talk to him about it, I'm going upstairs, have to finish some homework." I said and he nodded. "Dinner's ready in an hour."


"Good morning to you." Joey said, smiling brightly as I walked up to his locker. "How many rounds did Olivia give you yesterday, you seem a bit too happy for it to be a Monday morning." I said, but his smile just got bigger. "Not sure if you want me to answer that question for real, but I got a job."

"You?" I asked and he nodded. "Me."

"Okay, what's the job?"

"I'm working at a garage my Dad used to work at when he was younger." He proudly stated. "Oh, very cool, I guess."

"No, you don't get it, I might get to take over this company in Maryland." He said and I looked at him. "Excuse me?" I asked and he nodded. "Which means that when I'm back from college in Maryland, I'll immediately have a company that's mine."

"Oh shit, that's amazing!" I exclaimed and he threw his arms around me, spinning me around. "I know!" He said, grinning from ear to ear. He awkwardly let go of me when he realised his hands were still on my waist. "What did Olivia say?" I asked and he opened his mouth, but closed it right after. "You haven't told her?" I asked and his shoulders fell. "I don't wanna ruin the vibe we have at the moment with telling her that, first of all, we're both studying at the other sides of the country and second of all, I'll probably live there for a few years."

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