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"We're home!" Vernon shouted from downstairs, the sound of the front door shutting after. I looked at Isaac who had made himself comfortable on my belly and fell asleep. There was a knock on my door and Vernon peeked his head from around it as he opened it. "Oh," His eyes landing on Isaac. "Do you want him to stay, or?" He asked and I ran my hand trough Isaac's hair like I had been doing for the past hour. My Mom pushed open the door. "Is he not gone yet?" She asked, her voice loud. "Mom, just a second." I sighed.

Vernon put his hand on his fiancée's arm. "I thought he could stay the night, it's late and he could take her to school tomorrow." Vernon said. "I know his Dad, it's okay."

"She's not your daughter, you don't-"

"Caronlina, stop being a bitch. This is still my house you're living in, so I can decide who can and cannot stay here for a night, and no, I may not be her Dad, but it sure as hell feels like I'm more her parent than you are by the way you're behaving." He snapped, his voice still soft. "Don't call me a bitch, Vernon." She said, jerking his hand away. "I know about the assistant, whatever his name is, so you slut-shaming your own daughter is really fucking hypocrite."

My Mom's eyes widened. "Why would you say that? Did she tell you?" She asked, pointing at me. "No, and it wasn't hers to tell, it was yours, but you decided to have sex with him in my house at my business meeting and not be discrete about it." He said, his voice remotely calm for the anger that was taking over his face. "Also, I would like to cancel the wedding, but you can keep the ring if you want to." He said, leaving the room. "He's getting out of here." She said to me, nodding towards Isaac. "Vernon, let me explain, I-" Her voice wore off as Isaac started moving, rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?"

"The rest just got back." I said and he frowned. "I thought I heard your Mom's voice in my dream, but I guess not." He said and I gave him a forced laugh, well I tried to make it sound genuine, but that didn't really work. He sat up, turning his body to me. "What's wrong?" He asked, the sleepiness still present in his voice. "Vernon just broke it off with my Mom, cause she was cheating on him with her assistant." I explained and he nodded. "We could go to my place if you wanna get out of here?"

I shook my head. "No, and Vernon said you could stay the night if you want to." I said and he frowned. "What about your Mom?" He asked and I shrugged. "Who cares anymore?"

"You do, somewhere." He said, rubbing his eyes again. "Let's get some sleep," I said and he was about to open his mouth, but I already knew what he was gonna say. "Yes, with cuddles." I said, rolling my eyes.


"Oh my fucking God, Dad, are you out of your god damn mind?" Quinty's shouts emerged from the hallway. "You can't just pack your bags and expect us to be okay with it!"

I opened my eyes, Isaac's body was practically on top of mine, his head on my chest. "Quinty, I'll only be gone till she moves out, okay? I'm literally two blocks away." Vernon said, his voice sounded tired. "Why can't she pack her stuff and leave?" Quinty hissed. "She can't afford staying at a hotel unless I pay for it, but I'm not spending any more money on her, so I won't allow her to." He explained.

I nudged Isaac's shoulder and he groaned, rolling over to the other side of the bed. "What's happening?" He muttered. "I'll go see." I said, getting out of the bed, tugging down my Dad's shirt as I opened the door. "Great, yeah, here we have the other whore, like mother like daughter I guess." Quinty spat at me. "Don't blame her for her Mother's actions," Vernon warned his daughter. "I get it if you'd wanna go back to your Dad, but if you want to you can still stay here."

I nodded. "You're going?" I asked him and he sighed. "Yeah, just until your Mom's finds a good place."

"I already did." My Mom said, walking out of the bathroom, her hair in a towel. "Good, then you can stay here, Dad." Hailey spoke up. "I guess I could," Vernon said and looked at my Mom. "When can you move out?"

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