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"I didn't know they served breakfast here." I said as Chris pushed open the door to our regular diner. "It's practically lunch time now, so." He said, waiting for a waiter to give us a table. One of the waiters walked up to us and started talking to Carter, leading us to a table right after. "I'll be back in ten to take your order." He said and Isaac gave him a small smile as a thank you. "I like this place." Layla said, leaning her head against Alexa's shoulder causing Chris to look anywhere but them. "Why have you never taken me here?" She asked her girlfriend. "I wanted to, but you were never free, always working on projects."

"I could ask you the same thing." Isaac whispered into my ear, his hand slipping onto my thigh causing me to bite my lip, making sure no one else was looking. "I was gonna take you here yesterday," I said. "Oh, were you now?"

I nodded, his hand slipping higher. "Stop it." I said, grabbing his hand, only to have him intertwine our fingers. "Why are you so touchy all of the sudden?" I asked, looking at him. "I don't know," He said. "I just want you all to myself."

"Is this still about the gym-guy?" I asked and he cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah, when I bumped into him, you looked jealous." I said and he pursed his lips, causing me to look at them. "Alright, what if it was about gym-guy, huh?"

"Then I think you're adorable for thinking I'm yours." I said, a small grin forming on my face. "Right, you can fuck whoever you want, even gym-dude." He said, rolling his eyes, leaning back. "I won't fuck him, I saw this guy once." I think. I said, laughing at his pouting-face. "You're cute when you're jealous." I said and he scowled at me. "And when you're angry."

"Shut up." He mumbled, still not letting go of my hand. "Decided what you wanna eat?" The waiter asked and everyone started ordering what they wanted, so I patiently waited for my turn. "I'll have a caramel latte and the pancakes with syrup, please." The waiter nodded, looking at Isaac to tell his order. "Same as her, please."

"You didn't even look at the menu." I said and he shrugged. "So, what are y'all doing today?" Carter asked, trying to start a conversation I assume. "I'm playing video games." Chris said. "Same as the past week, I see." Alexa said and Chris sighed. "Liv's not there to entertain me anymore, so why not?" Chris said, running a hand trough his, now longer than ever, hair. "We're going to the marine park in Savannah." Layla said. "Leaving this afternoon and staying the night at a hotel there." Alexa added. "Sounds great." Chris said, clearly uninterested. I kicked him under the table, his eyes meeting mine as if saying but I really don't care. "And you guys are going out for dinner with your Dad, right?" Carter asked Isaac and I. "Yeah, uhm-"

"What about you?" I asked Carter, saving Isaac from having to talk about his Dad. "I'm going on a date." He simply said, Alexa's eye widening, my mouth falling open. "With whom?" Chris asked. "Cassidy." He said. "Hunter?" Chris asked and Carter nodded. "Dude, she's hot hot." Chris said.

"The Korean girl, right?" Isaac asked, fiddling with a package of sugar on the table. "Yeah, that's her."

"Since when do you guys talk? I've literally never seen you interact." Alexa said and Carter grinned. "I bumped into her on Monday," He said. "She messaged me that evening and we started talking, she asked me on a date yesterday morning." He said, a small smile forming on his face. "That's great." I said. "I'm happy for you."

"Thanks," He said. "We'll get to meet her properly, right?" Chris asked. "Dude, you just called her hot hot, we'll see." Carter said, clearly joking. "She's hot hot, let's be honest." Chris said.

"She is." Alexa said, me nodding alone and Isaac shrugging. "I guess so."

"Admit it," Chris said to him. "No need to hide it for Willow over here." He said. "Alright then, very attractive." Isaac said, rolling his eyes. "Happy?"

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