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9th of March

"Happy birthday, baby." Isaac said, kissing my neck softly. "Thank you." I said, cupping his cheeks with my hands. "Finally eighteen." He grinned, kissing me softly, moving his hands to my ass, giving it a squeeze. "So what do you wanna do now?"

"Sleep." I said and he laughed, pulling me closer to kiss me. "But I planned a thingie for you, you can't sleep now." He said, bumping my nose with his. "Except, I can." I said, grinning. "Nope," He said. "I'll go and make you pancakes and then we're going."

"Just ten more minutes, please?" I begged and he rolled his eyes, but still gave in. "Only if I get kisses with the ten minutes."

I kisses him softly, cupping his cheek. "Sure."

He nuzzled his face into my neck, ears turning pink. "Why are you getting flustered?" I asked and he shrugged, not looking at me. "Are you nervous? Right now?"

"What?" He asked. "You make me nervous."

I cupped his chin to make him look at me. "Isaac," I said. "I've seen you naked, nothing to be nervous about."

He flushed even harder and I grinned. "But that's a good thing, right?"

He tried to say something, but didn't manage to. "Cool." I said, kissing him softly. He puffed out air when I let go of his face, immediately laying back down on my chest. I laughed. "Shut up." He mumbled and I ran my hand trough his hair. "How about those pancakes, huh?"

He nodded, making his way away from me. "You're a mean one, you know that, right?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah, but I've told you this before, it's weird how you go from yesterday night to this morning."

This made him flush yet again. "It's like, these phases, yesterday you were telling me to practically scream your name and now-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it." He said, eyes widening. "It's kinda cute though." I said as I got out of the bed as well. He rolled his eyes as he handed me a shirt. "I don't like you anymore."

"Good thing you love me then."

"I do."

"Come here," I said, wanting to kiss him again. "Nope," He said, holding me back. "you were bullying me two seconds ago."


"Nope, not a chance."


He walked out of his room, into the living room. "Asshole." I muttered. "Heard that!" He shouted, getting out the ingredients in the kitchen. I rolled my eyes, changing into the shirt he gave me, but not before putting on a cute set of underwear. The shirt hit my knees, making it more of a dress. I brushed my hair and put on some make up before walking to the kitchen, too.

"What took you so long?" He asked, looking down at me. "Wow, I always forget how small you actually are."

"Shut up." I said, sitting down at the counter. "Here you go." He said, giving me a plate with pancakes. "You're not eating any?" I asked as he sat down next to me. "Diet."

"You're competing again?" I asked before taking a bite. "Yeah, well, trying to."

"Have you contacted the guy, what was his name?" I asked. "David?"

"Oh, yeah, I haven't." He said and I nodded. "Don't you think you should?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, do you think I should?"

"Only if you want to, you shouldn't contact him if you don't wanna do what he offered. But seeing as he would cover your boxing career and you'd have the opportunity to go to a college in your home country, it seems like a pretty solid plan." I said and he nodded. "I'll think about it."

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