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"What?" He asked, his head popping up behind the bathroom door, hair sticking to his face. "You ready?" I asked and he shook his head. "Dad is almost here."

"I know, I know," He said and I took a deep breath. "But does it matter? He was only babysitting."

"This is why I told you we shouldn't have stayed at Manny's that long." I said, shaking my head. "Babe," He said and I looked up from my phone. "Help me with my shirt please."

I got up from our bed, shaking my head. "I feel like we're back in high school."

"Except we're not," He said. "I wish we were, taxes are an even bigger pain in the ass than I thought." I said and he grinned. "Good thing we live in Canada."

The doorbell rang and I kissed him. "I'll get it."

I walked down the stairs of our house, opening the front door. "Hey, hey," Dad said, holding Flynn in his arms. My son looked at me with his big brown eyes, a grin on his face as always. "Mommy."

Dad handed him to me, Flynn grinning even wider. "Where's Kayla and Sophia?" I asked, fixing Flynn's shirt. "Will is talking to Kayla cause she didn't wanna go home yet and Sophia is just sleeping, but I'll get her."

"I'll get them both, Kayla only seems to listen to her Dad." Isaac said and he kissed Flynn's head. "Hey, buddy."

"And you want another one?" Dad asked, raising his eyebrows at Isaac and he nodded. "Definitely," He said and I smiled. "You, too?"

I nodded. "Yeah, we're looking to adopt again actually."

"I love it," Dad said and looked at Flynn. "He's an angel."

"He can be," I said and Flynn looked around. "Dog." He said and Isaac raised his eyebrows. "You want a dog?"

Flynn nodded and I looked at my Dad. "Did you tell him anything?"

Dad gave me a guilty look. "He loves our dog and now I think he wants one, too."

"Flynn, Dad's allergic." Isaac said, shaking his head. This made Flynn pout. "Please?"

"How about a cat, huh?"

Flynn shook his head. "No."

Isaac walked past us, to the driveway. "Dad!" Kayla screamed. She got out of the car, past Will who was looking confused now. "Hey," Isaac said, lifting her up. "How was it at your Grandparents'?"

"I missed you." She said and he kissed her cheek. "I missed you, too."

"I think she has a bit of a crush on our neighbours' son." Dad said and I smiled. "Does she?"

"Well, can't blame her? His Mom is a model, so."  He said. "Levi, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah, he kinds reminds me of Chris, have you talked to him lately?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"And Alexa?" He asked and I shook my head. "Not since she cheated on him in college, you know this."

"Yeah, sorry, I just, never expected something like that to happen." He said and I gave him a shrug. "I'm just glad Chris is doing alright."

"Mom! I have a boyfriend!" Kayla shouted, running up to me. "I heard," I said, kneeling down after giving Flynn to Isaac. "Is he treating you right?"

She nodded furiously. "He's very pretty, too."

Isaac grinned. "Just like you, huh?"

Kayla shook her head. "No, only Mom is pretty."

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