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"Oh my God," Alexa said, mouth wide open, pushing him back. "Why would you do that?" She asked Chris, shaking her head. "Duh," He said, totally wasted. "I like you, a lot, dummy." He blurted out. I put my cup on the table, eyeing my best friends. "You- excuse me?" She asked, shoulders slumping. "You know, I think you're awesome and-"

She pulled him closer, their lips meeting. He pulled away. "You taste like cherry vodka," He spat out, cocking his head to the side. "I like."

Isaac laughed, shaking his head. "What the fuck is this?"

They started kissing again, keeping their lips together this time. "Guess that leaves us," Isaac said, trying to hide his grin by taking a sip of his cup. "And me," Gabe said, raising his hand. I leaned back into Isaac's torso, his hand slipping around my body. "Those girls over there seem pretty interested in you," I told him. "They've been staring at you all night."

Isaac's lips met my neck for a second too long, I gulped. "I think they were looking at Canadian one over here," He said, nodding his head in Isaac's direction. "Where's everyone?" Joey asked, plopping down next to me. "Busy." Isaac said, grinning. "Oh, alright," Joey slurred. "Want some?" He asked, pushing his cup filled with beer in my direction. "Oh, no, thanks."

"Alright," He said, downing the cup at once. "It's disgusting anyways."

Isaac's hand traveled down to my leg, resting on my inner thigh. Gabe followed every action with his eyes. "Maybe I should go and talk to some of those girls," He said, getting up. "You know," Joey said, cocking his head to the side as he looked at me. "That guy's really into you, but like, not to be rude, he's a total douchebag." He said. "I mean, you attract them, you see, not meant as something bad, but like, Carter, Gabe, me, whoever was ever attracted to you, all assholes."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "You know what?" Joey asked, suddenly getting up, almost falling back down. "I might go and kiss a boy today, never done that, sounds exciting." He said, waving at me. Isaac chuckled. "I think he went a bit too hard on the beer."

I turned my head to look at him. He grinned, taking my chin in between his hand, his lips on mine in a matter of seconds. I moved so I could face him, sitting on his lap. He moved his hand to my hip, his other hand slipping into the pocket of my jeans. My hands went into his hair, pulling it softly. He groaned as I pushed my hips into his, his hand squeezing my hip. "You think they'd mind if we went back to my apartment?" He asked, pulling away. "By they, you mean Alexa and Chris?" I asked and he shrugged. "Anyone, really."

"I'll just text them," I said, getting my phone out of my purse. He looked at me intently, biting his lip.

Isaac and I will be at his apartment, call me when you need anything (12:38PM)

I sent this text to everyone, putting my phone away after and looking at Isaac. "Ready?" I asked and he grinned. "Always." I got off of him, taking his hand as we made our way out of the house. "Someone's stripping!" A boy shouted at us as he passed us. Isaac frowned, looking at me. "Who the-"

"It's a lie, mate!" Landon shouted after the guy, shaking his head. "Come on," I said, pulling Isaac along with me. "Desperate?" Isaac asked, grinning. I looked at him, pulling him closer so I could kiss him. I pushed him against wall, his tongue circling around mine. He moaned as I ran my hand down his stomach, my fingers fiddling with the hem of his pants. "What are you-"

I cut him off by pulling him closer again, my lips meeting his neck. He let out a shivery sigh. "Shit." I grinned and looked at him. "Car?"

He nodded, throwing me onto his shoulder. "Isaac," I yelped as he started walking. We arrived at his car, he put me down as he opened the door of his backseat. "Get in," He ordered and I grinned, getting into his car. He followed my actions, making me lay down so he could kiss me again. His hand slipped under my top, his other one was undoing my pants. "I'm gonna make you feel good," He said, kissing down my stomach. I looked at him, his fingers grazing my thighs. He undid my laces, pulling off my shoes before fully removing my jeans. "Isaac," I said and his blue eyes met mine. "Everything alright?" I asked, looking at his trembling hands. "What?" He asked. "You look nervous." I said, sitting up.

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