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The waiter arrived with the burgers and we both moved back to give him place to put them. "Thanks." I said and he gave me a small smile before walking to the next client.

Isaac bit his lip. "Okay, try it."


"I wanna see your reaction." He said. "Why?" I asked and he grinned. "Cause they're the best burgers in existence."

I picked up the burgers and took a small bite, trying not to spill anything.

My eyes widened. "Holy fuck." I said after I swallowed.

"What did I tell you?" Isaac smiled. "These are insanely good." I said, taking another bite and so did he.

After we finished our late lunch, we drove around because we didn't feel like returning to school. "I really enjoy your company." I said.

"Really?" He asked as he took a turn, squinting his eyes against the sun. "Hey, could you hand me my sunglasses? They're over in the dashboard cabinet."

I nodded and opened it, looking for sunglasses, but finding something else. "Isaac?" I asked and he hummed in response. "Are you sure it's in here?"

He looked at me and then at the cabinet. "Oh," He said, spotting the condoms. "Guess not. Try the other one."

I laughed and closed the cabinet, opening the other one. "Here you go." I said and handed him the glasses. "Thanks."

He put them on and it immediately made him ten times more attractive. "Whatcha looking at?" He asked, a grin on his face. "Nothing." I said and turned my head into the other direction. "Sure."

I looked outside and spotted an ice cream parlour. "Let's get some ice cream. I'm paying this time."

"Sure," He said and pulled up next to the shop, parking his car at the side of the street. "Let's go."

We walked inside and my eyes widened as I saw my sister and her boyfriend. "Sam?"


She slowly got up. "What are you doing here?" We asked at the same time. "We finished school early cause our teacher wasn't at school." She said and then looked in between Isaac and I. "You?"

I anxiously looked at Isaac and he gave Sam a small smile. "Just, hanging out."

Sam crossed her arms. "You're supposed to be at school, aren't you?"

Parker, Samantha's boyfriend who was a junior, got up, too. "Everything alright?"

Isaac put his arm around my shoulder. "Just getting some ice cream."

I bit the inside of my cheek and Sam shook her head, laughing. "I won't tell Dad, promise."

Isaac silently chuckled and I smacked his chest. "What?" He asked. "Oh, by the way, I'm Isaac, nice to meet you." He said to both Sam and Parker. "Parker, hi." Parker said and they shook hands.

Sam looked at me, frowning. "You're telling me he's seventeen or eighteen?"

"Oh, no, I'm twenty." Isaac said and Sam's eyes widened. "You're still in high school?"

"It's a long story." He said. "Now, I'm gonna get us some ice cream, vanilla?" He asked me and I nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Twenty?" Sam asked. "What's Mom gonna say about this?" She hissed.

"Nothing, cause we're not a thing." I said. "And you won't tell her."

"School obviously already called." She said. "Hasn't your phone been blowing up?"

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