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After a while we pulled up to my Dad's house and I quickly went inside to drop off my stuff. "Willow, why not let him in a few seconds?" My Dad asked as he leaned against the doorframe.

"What?" I asked. "The handsome young man that's waiting on my driveway, who's he anyways?"

"The guy I'm going on a date with." I said as I turned to look at him. "If I introduce him to you, promise me you won't make a dad-joke."

"Isn't that what I'm meant for?"

I walked passed him and hurried down the stairs. "Willow." Dad said as he followed me. "I wanna meet him."

"Alright." I said and motioned Isaac to get out of his car. He slowly opened the door and pushed his sunglasses onto his head. My Dad gave him a warming smile. "Dad, this is Isaac." I said and they shook hands.

"A firm grip." Dad said, looking at me and I rolled my eyes. "It's nice to meet you, sir." Isaac said and my Dad raised his eyebrows. "Manners, too."


"Likewise." He said to Isaac. "It's okay, right, that I'm taking her on a date?" Isaac asked my Dad and my Dad gave him a grin. "Most certainly."

"Thank you." Isaac said and I looked up at him. "Can we go now?" I asked my Dad and he nodded. "I won't be here tonight, so will Sam, we're going to a movie with Jacob and Cooper."

"Have fun." I said and my Dad opened his arms. I gave him a quick hug as a goodbye and then Isaac and me walked to his car, opening the door for me.

"Get her home safe, son." My Dad said.

"I promise, sir." He said as he closed the door behind me which earned him a small smile.

My Dad gave us a butterfly-wave before going back inside. "I like your Dad." Isaac said as he removed his car from the driveway. "Me, too, sometimes."


"I thought you lived with your Dad?"

"I did for the summer and worked my ass off to get an apartment." He said, closing the door of his car. "It's nothing big, but I manage."

We walked into a restaurant and Isaac immediately got greeted by an older lady. "Olla!" He smiled and she gave him a big smile. "Here again?" She asked him and he nodded. "I called for that special thing?"

She grinned and led us to a table. "Taco's coming up."

"Taco's?" I asked and he suddenly looked concerned. "You do like them, don't you?"

"I love taco's, they're my favourite." I said and he let a sigh in relief. "Good, I was scared for a moment."

"So, are you joining any clubs?" I asked and he shrugged. "I was thinking football and basketball, but I don't know yet, you?"

"I'm on the dance team." I said and he nodded. "Could've seen that coming."

"Chris' on the football team." I said and Isaac laughed. "'Course he is."

"What's funny?"

"He's the stereotypical American high school jock." He pointed out and I shook my head. "He's a lot different than the stereotype, yes he plays football, he's dating a cheerleader, but he's a great guy, trust me."

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