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"Morning." My Dad said as I walked downstairs. "Morning." I said and sat down to eat breakfast. "So, are you excited for your Senior year?"

I shrugged. "Same old."

"You're getting old." My sister, Samantha, said. "Fuck off." I said and my Dad gave me a glare. "Language."

I gulped down my coffee. "Gotta go," I said. "Meeting Alexa for something before school."

"Already?" Dad asked and I nodded. "Seniors have to be early to help the Freshmen."


"Dad, I'll see you."

"Don't forgot you're going to your Mom's this week." He said. "Really?" I groaned. "Seeing Quinty at school is enough torture."

"Willow, come on, I thought you had to leave."

"Bye." I said, taking my beagle and my bag before leaving the house.

I walked down the street and after around twenty minutes I arrived at school.

"Willow, over here!" Alexa shouted, already standing by our lockers.

"Hey." Chris said. "What's up? You look annoyed."

"I have to go to my Mom's this week, since I spent most of the summer break at my Dad's." I said and Alexa sighed. "At least you're not grounded for hanging out with your best friend."

"Your Dad will get over it one day." Chris said and she shook her head in defeat. "Most definitely not, I don't know what he has against you."

"He thinks Chris is gonna try and get in your pants." Carter said and she fake gagged at that, causing me to shake my head. "The only one getting something on her pants is Willow." Chris said and frowned. "Sorry?"

"Don't act dumb." He said. "You two hooked up."

I raised my eyebrows.

How did he know I hooked up with Isaac?

"Well, he told me." Chris said. "Right, Carter?"

I looked at Carter and then it hit me that he told Chris about our... moment. "Oh, yeah, right."

"You forgot?" Chris asked and I shook my head. "No, no, just, I thought we agreed that it wasn't a big deal?" I asked Carter. "Yeah, totally, we just kinda started talking about it and-"

I wasn't even listening anymore, my eyes were focused on someone else that was walking down the hallway.


Alexa nudged my sides. "He's cute, right?"

I looked at her. "What?" But she only rolled her eyes. I looked back at Isaac and he was talking to Quinty Dickson who was twirling her hair around her finger.

Olivia quickly joined us and planted a kiss on Chris' cheek. "Hey." She said to all of us after.

"Hey." I said and when I was looking back at Isaac, he was standing in front of me.

"Isaac, what's up, dude?" Chris asked. "Nothing much, it's nice seeing you again." He said to Chris as they gave a bro-hug-thing. "These are my friends," Chris said. "Alexa, Carter and Willow."

Isaac said hi to everyone, ending with me. "Hey, Willow."


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