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Isaac's pov

"What are you doing here?" Mr Anderson said and his tone hasher than usual. "I just came to drop off Willow's stuff that she forgot at my place." I said and he nodded, taking the bag from me.

"Come on in." He said, walking inside of his house. "Oh, er, okay." I answered, following him into the kitchen. "So, what are your real intentions with my daughter?" He bluntly asked.

I looked at him, frowning. "Er, I-"

"No fucking around here." He said, pointing his finger at my chest. Even though he was a few inches smaller than me, he was very intimidating. "Yes, sir."

"If you ever hurt her like that Joey guy that, I'll break your neck, capiche?"


"Good." He said, pulling away his finger. "Now, I actually quite like you, so I hope you stick around."

"I'll try."

His brown eyes met mine, they're the exact same as Willow's, brown, but not the plain brown ones like Ruby's, no, more honey-like, especially when the sunlight shines upon them.


I hummed. "Sorry."

"I asked you if you wanted to have dinner with us sometimes."

"Oh, yeah, it would be a pleasure, sir."

"Anthony's alright."

I nodded. "Well, si- Anthony, I have to be somewhere, so I'm really sorry to cut this short."

"Oh no need to apologise, wouldn't want to keep you away." Anthony said and he gave me a small wave as I made my way back to my car.

I drove to Quinty's stepdad's house, hoping Willow would be there as well.

I haven't been thinking about anything else. I want to see her, bad.

I parked my car in the street, walking towards the house, hoping I wasn't too late, or my Dad would kill me.

Two people were making out against the front door and they didn't react when I cleared my throat. I stepped closer and recognised the boy to be Joey Tegan, the girl was wearing a blue dress and black heels.

As I got closer I could make out her face as well.


I hadn't meant to say that out loud, but the moment she heard my voice she pushed the dickhead off of her, catching her breath.

My heart suddenly dropped as I met her eyes, guilt flashing trough them.


"No fucking way," Joey muttered and turned around, facing me. "Not you."

I looked at him. "What the fuck is this?"

"It's not what it looks like." Willow said and I looked at her, raising my eyebrows. "So, you weren't just pushed up against the door, making out with you-" I looked at Joey. "Your ex-boyfriend."

I only then noticed that his tie was untied, the first three buttons of his shirt were open and his hair was out of place. "And were undressing him?" I asked, her eyes widened. "No, what? Isaac-"

I scoffed. "Okay, uhm, what, this is confusing."

"Why's that?" Joey asked. "Is it that hard to see that she's into me?"

"Okay, I guess I'll leave you- you to it." I stuttered, pushing my way past them, trying to get my thoughts together as I was walking to the garden. "Isaac, wait!"

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