Thirty-Three - Vantastic

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Move your ass freckle-freak.

Bite me.


"So we all agree? There's no reason to tell Chinami that her father has escaped from Tartarus." Endeavour asked the council of people gathered to discuss the matter. He was joined by a few members of his agency, Mirio representing what was Sir Knighteye's agency and the mousy principal of UA accompanied by Aizawa via video call.

"The emotional distress she experienced upon hearing the news of his return to Japan was damaging enough." Aizawa began. "This time do your job properly and make sure the vultures don't get their hands on this story." He spiked at Endeavour, who just gritted his teeth and clenched his fist.

"What happens if months pass and we still have no means of locating this guy?" Mirio asked. "We might have to tell her... After all, what if he's after her?"

"I'm taking precautions at her work study," Endeavour explained. "Every shift she's had and will have, she will at least be accompanied by my son to ensure her safety. UA already has high security measures in place due to the history of the League's attacks on the school. Eraser will just have to tighten her curfew. But-" He sighed. "I do agree with Lemillion, we will have to tell her eventually. Especially if we are unsuccessful in locating the scumbag soon."

"Hopefully it doesn't come to that. The less the media knows the better, and if we can get this situation under control before Chinami-Ren is made aware, it will be best for everyone." Principal Nezu explained. "Although she has made improvements in managing her quirks, we can't risk her losing control again. If an incident similar to Okinawa happens on our school grounds, we may have no choice but to turn her over to the government's quirk research department... And she will become a lab rat..."

"I refuse to let that happen." Aizawa dug his nails into his desk.


Ren groaned as she snoozed her alarm for the fourth time that morning. If she wasn't up soon she'd definitely be late and then it would be an earful from Endeavour, their support team, definitely Iida and possibly Bakugo, none of which she felt like dealing with. If she skipped breakfast she could stay in bed for another 13 minutes... Certainly tempting... But today was far too important to sacrifice energy and strength. She slid out of bed, audibly complaining to herself with every step she took towards her wardrobe. The three of them were to be picked up in their school uniforms before being transported to Endeavour HQ where they would change into their Hero uniforms and set out with Endeavour and Hawks to the mystery location.

Ren grumbled the whole time she pulled her uniform on. It felt like everything that was going on between her and Bakugo and her and Todoroki was just getting in the way of what would be a really exciting mission. Plus they'd all have to go back to class after the ordeal of a day to catch up on the missed lessons. G R O A N.

She and Bakugo had spent the last few days pretending the other didn't exist, and if they did interact if was usually a conversation consisting mostly of insults until their respective friends would have to hold them back so they didn't beat the shit out of each other. And then there was Todoroki... As expected and as they'd discussed, things were beyond awkward between them and Ren couldn't wait until they just moved on so they could be friends again. Hormones, amirite?

Hopefully the guys were mature enough that they could set aside any bad blood between them so the three of them would work well together on their mission but judging from the info she'd gathered from Midoriya, that wasn't very likely. Like, at all. She had a few things to grab before she left her dorm room to head to the bathroom and then breakfast. As Ren brushed through her long waves, she couldn't help but touch the spots that had once been purple-d by Bakugo's possessive kisses.

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