Chapter Thrity Two

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No One's P.O.V

Damon walked into the studio, wondering what was taking Andie so long. He looked down and saw Andie's bag, along with a few other things of hers. "Stefan." He spoke as he looked back up, staring at his little brother who stood not too far away from him. "Hello, Brother." He greeted as he held his hands behind his back. "You don't write. You don't call." Damon stated. "I need you to stop following us. Causing some problems." Stefan cut him off, wanting to get this over with as quick as he can.

"With who? Klaus? I'm supposed to care what he thinks?" Damon scoffed at him. "What you're supposed to do, is let Secret and I go..." Stefan glared. "Saw your latest artwork in Tennessee." Damon changed the subject as he slowly walked over to him. "Walking a fine line there, My Friend." He scolded slightly. "Keep that up and there will be no saving you." Damon stated, hellbent on getting back his brother and sister.

Stefan let out an unamused chuckle. "See, the things is, that I don't need any saving, I just want you to let me go." He started to grow annoyed at his brother. "You know I got a birthday girl at home who's not going to let me do that. And I would never abandon our sister." Damon stopped walking towards him. Stefan tilted his head to the side slightly, getting ready to reveal someone special.

"You know, maybe I haven't made my point." Damon raised an eyebrow as Stefan turned around. "Hey, Andie, you still there?" He turned back around, knowing that Andie was. "Andie?" Damon asked in confusion. "Damon?" Andie's fearful voice called out from up above. "I can't move, Damon." Damon looked up after hearing her tearful words. "He told me that I can't move." Damon grew stressed and slightly scared as he realized what Stefan was doing. "No, No, No, It's okay, Andie, stay calm!" He called up to her.

"Not cool, Brother." Damon glared as his voice filled with anger. "Oh, come on. It's a little bit cool, huh?" Stefan teased as Damon got up in his face, both having a stare down. "Hey, Andie." Tears flew out of Andie's eyes as she held back a sob. "You can move now." Stefan kept his emotions from his face as Damon looked up, fear on his face. "No, no, no,no, no!" He yelled out as Andie started to fall forwards, going towards the ground. Stefan ran at Damon and held him back against a wall to keep him from saving her.

Damon stated at Andie's lifeless body on the floor while Stefan wrapped his hand around his neck. "Now I said... let us go." He demanded. Damon threw Stefan back and raced over to Andie, trying to listen in for a heartbeat. He looked back where Stefan was standing before, only to see that he had already left.


Secret sat on the bar, staring at the ground. Ray was laid down on one of the pool tables, his breathing labored. "Okay, this is a three step process, Ray. This is Step One: I want you to drink from my wrist." Klaus demanded as he stopped circling the table and leaned on in. "I already told you where to find the pack, what more do you want from me?" Ray's voice was weak and harsh. "Have you not been listening to a word he's been saying?!" Secret demanded as she walked over to them, wanting to get this over with.

"I have great plans for you." Klaus used the knife to cut open his wrist and shove it into Ray's mouth as Secret held up his head, forcing him to drink it. "You'll thank me for it later." Klaus smirked as Secret held him down with her other hand. "There we go! Atta boy!" Klaus pulled his wrist away when he saw Stefan walk in, which Secret hadn't noticed yet. She let go of Ray's head and body and wiped her hands off on her dress.

"What are you going to do now?" Ray stated at him in fear. "It's time for are two, Ray." Secret leaned over him as she whispered, her hair almost touching his face. She quickly snapped his neck, his body falling limp onto the pool table. She stood back up, throwing her hair behind her. "You're back." Klaus stated, grabbing Secret's attention. He head snapped over to look at Stefan.

She rushed over and pulled him into a hug, happy that Damon didn't kill him or harm him, from what she knew. "Did you doubt me?" Stefan asked after Secret let go, walking past her and over to Klaus. "Not for a second, I knew you would past the test." He responded. "You still care for your brother, for your old life." Stefan scoffed as he walked away, keeping up his emotionless facade.

"No, I don't care about anything anymore." Secret frowned as she saw through his bullshit, along with Klaus. "You put on a good show, Stefan. I almost believe you." Stefan leaned against the bar. "Lets hope for your brother's sake he does. You never stop caring about family, do you?" Klaus' voice came out in a hushed tone as he leaned over to Stefan's ear. "But every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go." Stefan looked over at Klaus before he looked back in front of him.

"Shut up, Klaus!" Secret pulled him back, pushing him away from her brother. She sat down next to him, her hand rubbing his back. "Don't listen to him." She tried to comfort him. "Is Damon okay?" She whispered after a few seconds, needing to know. "Just peachy." He pushed her arm back before he stormed out of the bar. Secret frowned as she decided to not go after him, letting him have some time to himself.

"Still caught up on your brother?" Klaus asked Secret as he picked up Ray's body. "Fuck you, Klaus. I hope you choke on your own fucking dick." Secret spat out at him as she stormed outside just like Stefan did minutes before, Klaus following after her. "Let's get going, we have a pack to go see." Klaus smirked as he got one step closer to what he wanted.

(Didn't check for any spelling mistakes)

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