Chapter Fifty-Two

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Third Person P.O.V

Secret quickly made her way to where she heard Klaus, him quickly grabbing her wrist. "Looks like we're about to find out what the plan is." He pulled her along to the front door, his grip tight as she tried to find a way out. She only wanted to tell him she was sorry, she didn't want to be caught into this mess.

"Hello, Niklaus." Secret tried to pull her hand out of Klaus' but he refused to let go. He turned to look at Secret. "Stay." He compelled her before letting go of her. "Hello, Mikael. Won't you come in? Oh, that's right. I forgot. You can't." Klaus smiled at him as Secret was starting to panic. She wasn't supposed to be next to him, she was supposed to be with Elena incase anything happened to her.

"Or you can come outside if you want." Secrets tried to move her feet, but they wouldn't budge. "If I can watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb." Secret noticed that behind Mikael the newly made hybrids gathered. "They can't kill me." Mikael spoke with confidence. "True, but it'll make a hell of a party game." Klaus responded with a smirk.

"All I have to do is rub these 2 fingers together, and they'll pounce." Klaus held his hand up, bragging at his control over them. "The big bad wolf, you haven't changed. Still hiding behind your playthings like a coward." Secret looked over at Klaus. "Klaus-" He glanced over at her. "Quiet." He demanded, not compelling her to keep her mouth shut just yet.

"You only forget. They may be sired by you, but they're still part vampire. And they can be compelled by me. Secret's eyes widened as Elena was shoved forward by a compelled hybrid. "Elena." Secret tried harder to move her feet, desperate to save the one her brothers love.

"Come out and face me, Niklaus, or she does." Secret glared at Mikael. "This wasn't apart of the plan you bastard!" She yelled at him as she looked at Elena in worry. "Go ahead. Kill her." Secret's eyes snapped over to Klaus. "No, Klaus. He'll do it." Elena's voice was full of fake fear, to which Secret immediately caught onto.

Elena looked over at Secret, confirming her suspicions. "If she dies, this lot will be the last of your abominations." Klaus glared at Mikael. "I don't need them. I just need to be rid of you." Klaus confidently spoke. "To what end, Niklaus? So you can live forever with no one at your side? Nobody cares about you anymore, boy! Who do you have other than those whose loyalty you've forced?" Mikael asked.

"No one. No one." Secret watched as tears formed in Klaus' eyes, her heart breaking at the sight. "I'm calling your bluff, Father. Kill her." Klaus demanded. "Come outside and face me, you little coward. And I won't have to." Secret felt her mind race. "My whole life you've underestimated me. If you kill her, you lose your leverage. So go ahead. Go on. Kill her." Klaus encouraged.

"Come on, old man. Kill her. Kill her!" Klaus yelled, making Secret flinch. Mikael chuckled at his son's outburst. "Your impulse, Niklaus." Secret stared deeper at Elena, to find out, she isn't Elena, it's Katherine. She felt relief pool into her body, nobody had told her Katherine was going to be a double.

"It has and will forever be the one thing that keeps you from truly being great." Mikael shoved the dagger into Katherine, causing her to gasp. Klaus gasped in disbelief as Mikael pulled it out, Katherine falling as she pkayed her part as a human. Damon came up from behind and stabbed Klaus right near the heart, tears crawling down Secret's cheeks.

"Katherine..." Katherine turned around as she threw the wolfsbane grenades. "Kaboom." Before Damon could finish off the job Stefan tackled him to the ground. "What are you doing?!" Damon demanded as Stefan held him down. Secret grew confused as she tried to move to see what was happening.

Klaus grabbed the white oak stake and ran forwards, tackling Mikael as he stabbed him in the heart, the both of them flying backwards. Klaus was on top of Mikael as he yelled in pain, digging the stake deeper. The stake burst into flames, setting Mikael on fire. "What the hell did you do?" Damon demanded.

"He's earned his freedom." Klaus stated as he walked back in. "You can move now, Secret." Secret instantly turned around and ran over to her brothers, throwing Stefan away from Damon. "Are you alright?" She quickly asked as she looked him over for any wounds, even if they would have healed by now.

Stefan got up and walked over to Klaus while Secret helped Damon up. "Thank you, my friend. You no longer have to do as I say. You're free." Klaus released Stefan from his compulsion, just as promised. Stefan looked back to see Damon gone, Secret standing there, waiting for her brother.

Secret grabbed Stefan. "Are you alright?" She asked the same question she had asked Damon, looking him over as she had to convince herself he was okay. "I'm fine." He responded as he pushed her hands away from him. "Good." She whispered before pulling him in for a hug, ignoring how rigid he stood.

"I need to go." She stepped back, but Klaus grabbed her wrist. "You were in on this?" He asked, Stefan having already disappeared. "I was supporting Rebekah's choice, Klaus, she needed someone." Secret frowned as she wiped away a tear the had fell. "I had already said my goodbyes." Secret pulled her hand back and fled.

Secret ran into the house. "How did this happen?" Elena demanded. "We thought of everything, Elena!" Klaus having hybrids. Mikael turning on us. We brought in Katherine so you weren't in danger. Anything that could have gone wrong, we were prepared." Damond downed his glass of bourbon.

"I don't understand. Stefan wanted Klaus dead more than anything. That's what we were counting on." Secret took off her heels dropping them down onto the floor by the staircase along with her purse. "We blew it." Damon looked off to the side. "Where's Katherine?" Elena asked.

"She ran for the hills, like usual. The minute things got bad." Secret replied as she walked over. "Who blames her? Klaus would have crushed her. I had him, Elena. I had Klaus." Damon walked over to Elena as he held the bottle. "This could've all been over!" Damon threw the glass of Bourbon into the fire, making it rise.

"Hey!" Elena walked closer and forced him to look at her. "Damon, hey." Damon brushed her hand off of him. Secret sighed, not wanting to see their lovey dovey actions. She turned around and grabbed her shoes and purse then started walking up the stairs. Secret felt relieved, relieved that Klaus was alive, but scared, scared of what he would do to Damon.

She opened her door, frowning when she saw a small box sitting on her bed. Secret dropped her things to the floor like she did before and walked over, grabbing the box. She opened it, seeing a beautiful silver necklace inside with a bird pendant, her favorite animal. She noticed a small card and ripped it open.

Just for you, little bird.

        -Klaus Mikaelson

Secret smiled as she stood up, ignoring the box that fell to the ground. She walked over to her jewelry box, sitting the necklace carefully in there, along with the small card. She walked into her bathroom, stripping down and getting into the shower, feeling exhaustion creep into her. She didn't even bother to put any shorts or a shirt on after she got out, only underwear.

She walked back to her bed, crawling under the covers and instantly falling asleep.

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